Local Man Reported for Theft and Improper Use of Payment Instruments

Press release

The police of the San Bartolomeo in Galdo station, coordinated by the local company, reported a 51-year-old local man, already known to the police, for theft and improper use of payment instruments other than cash. Last October, a local citizen reported that five hundred euros had inexplicably been taken from his credit card. The police immediately oriented their investigations towards the man’s frequent visits and, also thanks to the footage from the video surveillance system of the San Bartolomeo in Galdo post office, where the blood sample was taken, they managed to locate and identify the 51-year-old who , being a frequenter of the unfortunate man’s house, had furtively taken possession of his credit card, had used it to withdraw the money and had also put it back in its place.

The man, referred to the judicial authorities, is a person subjected to investigations and – therefore – presumed innocent until a final sentence is reached.
The provincial command of the Carabinieri of Benevento recommends maintaining maximum confidentiality regarding cash, valuable goods and electronic payment instruments kept at home so that no one, not even the most unsuspecting friends and acquaintances, can fall into the temptation of taking advantage of them. For any need, the emergency number 112 and the police stations present throughout the province are always available.

2023-12-14 02:03:59
#51yearold #reported #stealing #friends #credit #card


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