LIVE – Multiplex Top 14: La Rochelle to leave, UBB to continue

LIVE – Multiplex Top 14: La Rochelle to leave, UBB to continue


Chalureau sees yellow (10-5, 31st)

The second line of the MHR leaves his team numerically inferior after having deliberately slowed down the play in front of his line. Bayonne finds the penalty 5 meters away.


What an opportunity for Bayonne (10-5, 30th)

On a strong beat in front of the MHR line, Rouet tries to go alone but is returned by Willemse into the in-goal. The Héraultais therefore regained possession with an in-goal return.


Favre’s try for Stade Rochelais!!! (5-3, 28th)

The center of the Maritimes is on the receiving end of a precise foot play from Leyds to free Deflandre. La Rochelle takes the lead in the score.


A difficult match in La Rochelle (0-3, 25th)

The Maritimes are struggling at the start of the match and are struggling to set up their game, with many approximations. Usap still leads 3 to 0.


Oyonnax returns to UBB (10-10, 23rd)

After a penalty quickly played with the hand in the 22 meters of Girondins, the third line Grice manages to pierce my opposing defense to flatten forcefully on the line. After the transformation, Oyonnax manages to equalize.


Bécognée and the MHR relaunch (10-5, 21st)

At the end of a scrum, Bécognée escapes and manages to flatten in two stages at the end of the line. Carbonel misses the transformation and the MHR is therefore led by 5 points.


Le Lou is back in Castres! (8-8, 19th)

Simutoga uses his power to flatten corners and allow his partners to get back together.


The UBB test in Oyonnax!!! (3-10, 18th)

Jalibert is at the conclusion of a large-scale move with Penaud and Lucu who combined before the international opener was served on a platter and flattened into the promised land. 10 to 3 for UBB now.


The Bayonne strength test!!! (10-0, 16th)

Giudicelli is at the conclusion of a devastating ball carried by L’Aviron and allows the Basques to fly away with the score: 10 to 0.


Dumora’s test for Castres!!! (8-3, 13th)

Magnificent playing time in Castres where Babillot serves Hulleu at the end of the line before the winger continues with his foot into the in-goal. Dumora followed well and flattened. Popelin misses the transformation and the CO therefore leads 8 to 3.


The Rochelais continue within 22 meters of Usap (0-3, 11th)

The Maritimes try to send the game wide before Idoumi commits a forward and returns a scrum to Perpignan. The La Rochelle front line goes directly to the ground and the Catalans break free.


Bayonne opens the score! (3-0, 10th)

After an offside by the Montpellier defense, Camille Lopez scored the first points of the match.


Oyonnax equalizes against UBB (3-3, 8th)

At home and under the snow, the Oyomens validated their first highlight in the opposing camp by scoring a penalty.


Castres pushes against Lou (3-0, 6th)

The Tarnais put pressure on the Lyonnais in front of their line. The game is ejected wide where Raisuque is very close to scoring the first try but the ball goes into touch. The referee returns to the advantage and Popelin passes a penalty to open the score.


The highlight of Rowing! (0-0, 4th)

The Basques continue playing time in front of the Montpellier line. At 15 meters in the axis, Lopez then attempts a drop but it passes to the right of the posts. Goal return for MHR.


UBB opens the scoring at Oyonnax (0-3, 3rd)

Maxime Lucu improved a counter-ruck from his forwards by scoring his team’s first points, after an off-center penalty on the right, 30 meters away.


Rochelais and Perpignan occupy the ground at the foot (0-0, 2nd)

At the end of a game of ping-pong rugby, the Maritimes obtain a scrum after a forward from the Catalans.


Start of this multiplex!!!

The kick-off is given in Bayonne by MHR fly-half Louis Carbonel. On reception, the Basques held on before quickly clearing into touch. The other three matches have also started.


Find all the team compositions

You will find all the sheets for the four multiplex matches by going to this article.


The challenges of the multiplex

In search of points, the big names that are Stade Rochelais (11th, 15 points) and Lou (10th, 16 points) will have to put in a full match against Perpignan and Castres to get back on track. Last in the ranking and after a change of coach, the MHR is urgently moving to Bayonne. Having had a very good start to the season and after its first away victory, Oyonnax will be keen to continue its good momentum.

The complete ranking of the Top 14


Hello everyone !!!

Welcome to the multiplex of the 9th day of Top 14. On the program, four matches with La Rochelle – Perpignan, Bayonne which receives the red lantern Montpellier, the promoted Oyonnax which welcomes Union Bordeaux-Bègles and Castres – Lyon.

Posts will appear here



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