Lens Supporters Defy Travel Ban for Champions League Match

The decision of the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, to prohibit the travel of Sevilla FC supporters to Lens on Tuesday in the Champions League did not receive a favorable reception from the Red Tigers 1944, the main group of supporters of the Sang et Or. In a letter addressed to the minister, Sunday evening, they indicated that they would make sure to welcome the supporters of the Andalusian club, “even if it means leaving our seats to allow them to enter the stands”.

The 1944 Red Tigers denounce “irresponsible and unfair management”. “For you and your prefects, the travel ban is an easy solution, used indiscriminately, and which becomes disproportionate and difficult to justify,” they protest. They also recalled that the travel of Lensois supporters to Seville, Eindhoven and London, this season in C1, did not cause any problems. “The Sevillian supporters have already booked and paid for their means of transport, their tickets and their hotel nights and do not have to put up with your incompetence.”

2023-12-10 22:50:40
#Red #Tigers #ensure #Sevilla #fans #attend #Champions #League #match #Lens


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