Last 5 and 6 of 2023 will give $200 thousand to the single team

The last day of the 5th and 6th national of the 2023 equestrian season will have a great attraction, given that the accumulated amount of $200,000 to be distributed for the single form that manages to match the six horses in Sunday’s harvest remains.

In fact, the pool is quite attractive and complicated when it comes to making the combinations, given that the authorities of the National Institute of Racecourses developed two classic events within that framework, such as the selective Senegal and Cañonero, both on a circuit of 1,100 meters for young two-year-old specimens, the vast majority of which are debutants.

In this way, we will have a special attraction this Sunday the 17th to conclude the current equestrian campaign, with the addition of the Comparison event.

The entry Last 5 and 6 of 2023 will give $200,000 to the single team was first published in Líder en Deportes.

2023-12-15 12:00:00
#give #thousand #single #team


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