Kutxabank Araski falls to Movistar Estudiantes in Last Match of 2023

Kutxabank Araski falls at home against Movistar Estudiantes (58-64)

In the last match of 2023 in Mendizorrotza, Kutxabank Araski has not achieved victory before Christmas. And the Vitorian team has fallen against Movistar Estudiantes. After a bad start, Made Urieta’s team trailed throughout the match. In the last quarter they deployed their entire offensive arsenal but that reaction was not enough to add another victory.

Since the opening whistle, Kutxabank Araski has not found the feeling in attack. That has cost the first disadvantages on the scoreboard. Despite this, the green team has not given up and with several triples it has gradually gotten closer to the Madrid team. The superiority in the rebound of visitors It has been key in the second quarter. Kutxabank Araski has not protected the area and the disadvantages have gone over ten points.

After a bad first half, there were twenty minutes left to try to turn the score around. In it third quarter was a wanting and not being able. Movistar Estudiantes responded to each offensive success by Kutxabank Araski, which did not allow the disadvantage to be reduced. So there was only the last quarter left to try to make the epic in Mendizorrotza.

It was at that moment, and with nothing left to lose, when Kutxabank Araski displayed his entire offensive game. Thanks to a higher pace, the Vitorian team added unopposed to the counterattack. These baskets were joined by triples by Marta Hermida and Laura Aliaga guided by a sublime Green Tide that reduced Madrid’s advantages. But Kutxabank Araski ran out of time and the victory went to Madrid.

2023-12-24 10:42:27
#Insufficient #reaction #Christmas


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