Judo Students Receive First Belts and Ribbons in Recognition of Progress

They are just five or six years old and it is, for most, their first year of practicing judo, a total discovery for these little ones with their still white belts. However, last Wednesday, at the sports center dojo, as a reward for their efforts during the lessons taught by the team of teachers gathered around Master Chabi, each of them received their first grade, a small yellow ribbon or two , even orange, to sew on the kimono which sanctions their progress in the knowledge of the practice of judo. Among the older children, the colors have changed to green or blue for the same reasons of diligence and application. The belts symbolize the student’s progress and are awarded by the teacher up to the brown belt. Then, an official exam allows you to obtain the prestigious black belt. Today, French Judo has nearly 38,000. After a final bow before leaving the tatami, the young judokas will be entitled to a few days of rest. “Judo is much more than a sport, it is a school of life. The longer the climb, the more difficult the climb, the greater the satisfaction… And the more magnificent the view once you reach the top. summit” Jigōrō Kanō, founder of judo. After the Christmas break, training will resume in January 2024 at the sports center. For any further information and/or registration, you can contact President Jérôme Macia, 3524 route de la Bénèche in Caussade (82300). Such. 05 63 93 12 57 or 06 65 22 94 42: email: [email protected]

2023-12-24 07:16:38
#Caussade #touch #color #belt


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