Jean-Michel Aulas Reconciliation with John Textor Brings Joy to OL Groupe

Zapping Onze Mondial EXCLUDED: Moussa Diaby’s “Little Brother” interview!

Earlier in the evening, we learned that OL Groupe had reached an agreement for the repurchase of a third of the shares held by Holnest, Jean-Michel Aulas’s company, for a total amount of 14,479,620 euros. A reconciliation between John Textor and the emblematic president of OL which made the main party very happy: “It was urgent and logical to respond positively to John Textor’s offer and to accompany him to Groupama Stadium and sit right behind him! The meeting in the locker room before the match was very emotional and generated ambition and determination. THANKS” he wrote on X.

Aulas happy with his reconciliation with Textor!

He then added another layer: “Thanks to John for reaching out to me to join forces for an OL who needs it but who will come back. All legal procedures have been stopped and the initial agreement of May 8 will be respected. My commitment to the FFF and women’s football will be total. THANKS” he concluded. This bodes well for OL, who will be able to move forward calmly.

To sum up

Jean-Michel Aulas did not hide his joy after reaching an agreement with John Textor. Earlier in the evening, we learned that OL Groupe had reached an agreement for the repurchase of a third of the shares held by Holnest, Jean-Michel Aulas’s company, for a total amount of 14,479,620 euros.

2023-12-11 22:20:00
#joy #Aulas #agreement #reached #Textor


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