Investigation into NBA Player Josh Giddey’s Relationship with a Minor

Josh Giddey relationship with a minor? – Investigations against NBA professional

Giddey is being investigated over allegations of having a relationship with a minor. photo

© Mark J. Terrill/AP/dpa

At the end of last week there were allegations online that NBA professional Josh Giddey was having a relationship with a minor. Now the police in Newport Beach have started investigating.

Police in Newport Beach are investigating NBA pro Josh Giddey on suspicion of having a relationship with an underage woman. The police from the city south of Los Angeles said they are aware of corresponding allegations against the Australian from the Oklahoma City Thunder, who has been 21 years old since October, and are investigating.

When asked by the German Press Agency, a spokeswoman did not want to answer why the investigations were the responsibility of the authority there. In the US states of California and Oklahoma, the age of majority is 18.

Giddey was asked by journalists about the allegations on Friday and did not want to comment on the content. “I understand your questions, I totally understand that you want to know something about it. But right now I have nothing to say about it,” he replied, according to The Athletic. The NBA has begun its own investigation. Giddey played in the Oklahoma City Thunder’s two games on Saturday and Sunday.


2023-12-01 06:38:51
#Josh #Giddey #Relationship #minor #Investigations #NBA #professional


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