Ideal plans for the December long weekend: Vic Medieval Market and the best of its program

Ideal plans for the December long weekend: Vic Medieval Market and the best of its program

He december long weekend It is one of the most anticipated moments of the last quarter of the year. These are ideal days for disconnect from the routineenjoy of Christmas atmosphere that already invades the majority of municipalities in Catalonia and plan getaways or plans with family or friends. This year, furthermore, will be a long bridge, since the The 6th will fall on a Thursday and the 8th on a Friday.. Reason why many families will be able to enjoy five days of celebration at the doors of the Christmas, also taking advantage of the fact that many schools will have a party on December 7.

One of the most traditional plans of these dates for the Catalans is, without a doubt, the Vic Medieval Market, that will return to the old town of the capital of Osona to the Middle Ages from December 6 to the 10th, with a lot of activities for all audiences. Artisans’ parades, gastronomic booths and recreational shows will invade the streets of Vic during those days.

“The Mercat Medieval is a great fair, the most crowded in the city and one of the most successful fairs in the country. Vic is a city of fairs and markets and they bring us a lot of social and economic dynamism,” said the city’s mayor, Albert Castellsduring the presentation of the 27th edition. For its part, Bet Piellathe councilor of Fairs and Markets, has confirmed the good positioning that this event has at the state level, which is reaffirmed by the high demand from parade-goers who want to be part of the market.

What to do in Vic’s Medieval Market?

Like every year, the streets of the old town of the Catalan city will host 400 food, herb and craft stalls from Cataloniafrom the rest of Spain and also from Portugal and Occitania with decoration products, jewelry, natural cosmetics, clothing accessories and different food products such as sausages, cheeses, cakes, chocolates or preserves, among others.

Likewise, the Medieval Market of Vic will have a gastronomic offer with four different areas where you can enjoy a stop and eat. The taverns will serve crepes, grilled meats and octopus, among many others. A way to enjoy gastronomy and culture in the same space.

Fun and cultural activities in the Medieval Market of Vic

In addition to the commercial and gastronomic offer, the Mercat Medieval de Vic will also have different recreational activities for all ages. There will be craft workshops, street performances with music and dance, and also theater. A program that, beyond the artistic value, will also create the atmosphere to recreate a period party.

So, for example, there will be different parades, puppet theater, archery, or different types of performances. All this with the landscape that creates the old town of the capital of Osona. The archery show will take place at the Pont de Queral with different demonstrations and night shows, in addition to the archery tournament where the “caça el fuet” activity will take place. This year, as a novelty, the Asociación Catalana de Highland will hold an exhibition with the show “On the Mèder en equilibri”.

In the Adoberias area There will be a medieval recreation where you can see how people lived at that time and different theatrical shows. There will be a maze, eco-friendly attractions, and a falcon camp with more than 15 aves. To all this there will be added activities and workshops for children such as face painting, building castles with pieces, candles with beeswax and soap, as well as pony rides.

The parades will go through the streets of the old town with shows like “Rats!” of the company Campiquipugui, an adaptation of the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. To all this will be added the recreation of trades such as cabinetmaker, stonecutter, glass blower, ceramist or blacksmith in the Bishop Oliba square.

For more information about the Mercat Medieval de Vic you can check their website.

2023-12-01 05:30:00
#DECEMBER #BRIDGE #plan #December #long #weekend #Mercat #Medieval #Vic #returns


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