“I literally have €12 in the bank account”

“I literally have €12 in the bank account”

Carlos Sobera hallucinates when he sees the bachelor dressed as a Scotsman: “My ancestors are from the McMillan clan”

Juan doesn’t understand what his date’s favorite animal is: “The geopard.”

Juan has been presented in ‘First Dates’ dress Scottish and he told Carlos Sobera that he had Scottish ancestors, in fact, he told him that He belonged to the McMillan clan.but in the 17th century they came to Spain and began to plant vineyards. The Mc has been lost and his mother’s last name is Millán.

In love, he has not had many experiences and he assures that more than romantic he is funny and that he cracks a joke when they talk to him about love. Nicolt, Her date is not flirtatious, she is charismatic. Upon seeing her, Juan felt that she was very pretty, but “It’s not what I expected”. He got nervous and asked her about his origin. She liked her style, but he saw it as very different from his.

Shocked by Juan’s Scottish outfit, Nicolt wanted to know how he dressed on a daily basis and he told her that he used to wear a sweatshirt and jeans comfortably. She is more into getting ready and, above all, getting different hairstyles. Something that has led the bachelor to think that they had nothing to do with each other.”She is Epi and I am the tall yellow hen, whose name I don’t know.”.

Nicolt, about his appointment: “I ordered a Mario Casas, not a Mario Escasas”

Nicolt wanted to know what Juan’s prototype of a girl was like and He told her that he didn’t care about the physical appearance and cared more about the intelligence.. She told him that she was looking for a boy with values, fun and charismatic “I asked for a Mario Casas, not a Mario Escasas.”

The singles have talked about braids and animals, Juan likes wide Nordic-inspired braids and she would change his look and make him some boxers. Juan has told him that his favorite animal is the owl and She confessed to him that hers was the geopard. Juan told her “The leopard?”, but she insisted that he was the geopard, neither the gepard nor the leopard..

When the music played, the young people tried to get along, but she felt that Juan lacked grace, rhythm and flow “Juan is missing many things”. At the time of paying, Juan asked and she told him that nothing was wrong, that everyone would pay their own share and he breathed easy “I literally have €12 in the bank account, right now I can’t invite anyone”. Something that has completely lowered her spirits.

Juan has tried to get Nicolt to respond first in the final decision, but when he did not succeed, he said that he would have a second date with her, but when he found out that she would not, he told her that he meant that they could be friends again. .


2023-12-26 21:55:15
#literally #bank #account


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