Hormone diet, 10 things to know about food chemistry

Hormone diet, 10 things to know about food chemistry

What is the hormone dietor hormone-chemistry, and how does it work?
Is there a link between what we eat and hormonal reactions?
Check the correct hormonal balance it’s not easy, but we can use food as the most natural and available medicine. It teaches it food chemistry, a method to exploit nutritional elements as active ingredients.
Paolo Bianchini, nutritional and nutraceutical consultant from Salò and author of the method of the same name, explains the secrets of hormone-chemical diet who is able to maintain an optimal hormonal balance while losing weight.

Hormone diet, 10 questions to understand the advantages of food chemistry

Here are 10 questions and answers to understand the advantages of food chemistry

1. What is it the hormone-chemical diet?
“It is a dietary regime capable of re-establishing the correct endocrine levels in the body thanks to a precise dietary pattern in which the combinations of particular foods and the time of intake of the same play a key role”.

2. What role do hormones play at the table?
“Hormones contribute to regulating many aspects: metabolism, appetite, blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar, our sexual desire and last, but not least, the assimilation of molecules ingested through food. Hormones play a key role in our health but unfortunately the interaction between hormones and food in Italy is clearly underestimated by the experts themselves”.

3. What are the differences between the “hormo-chemical” diet and the hormonal one?
“A hormonal diet must be prescribed only by the doctor following specific tests that have highlighted hormonal imbalances and therefore in theory it is strictly personalized. A biochemical nutrition of the “hormo-chemical” diet takes into account the hormonal response and does not require specific tests because the physiological hormonal response is standard for everyone (except for any imbalances that only the endocrinologist can ascertain) but is personalized taking into account of other factors: age, sex and lifestyle”.

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4. Is the hormone-chemical diet different for a man and a woman?
“Yes, and above all it applies to sexual hormones, namely testosterone in men and estrogen in women. A drop in estrogen – a typical event of menopause – leads to having an “apple” physique, i.e. with accumulation of fat in the upper part of the trunk. On the contrary, more estrogen causes the development of a “pear-shaped” physique, resulting in the accumulation of fat in the hips, thighs and buttocks. Even in men, as age advances, testosterone production decreases and this leads to the accumulation of fat cells. The latter, in turn, favor the production of the aromatase enzyme, which transforms testosterone into estrogen. Aromatase is inhibited by the action of zinc and foods rich in zinc include fish, dairy products and eggs. Among other things, when testosterone is lowered, circulating cortisol increases.”

5. How many meals does the “hormochemical” diet include?
“It depends on the individual but normally 3 to 5 meals a day.”

6. In the “hormo-chemical” diet, how important is it to eat at set times?
It is fundamental, because it is not important how much we eat but what time we eat. Let’s give some examples: breakfast should be had between 7 and 8.30/9: it is the best time to consume carbohydrates such as bread, pasta and rice because in this phase of the day the liposynthetic and anabolic action of insulin is counteracted by corticosteroid hormones.
Lunch, however, should be eaten between 12 and 1.30 pm, while dinner between 7 and 8.30 pm.
All starches should be avoided in the evening to improve intestinal assimilation of proteins. Resorting to protein meals without starches is linked to the fact that the hormonal profile that is established in the evening hours favors the use of fats for energy purposes and the building of muscle mass during the night. In every meal it is important to activate what I define as a “hormonal carburetor” or a balanced mix of hormones which in response can also activate dopamine and serotonin, the neurotransmitters of well-being”.

7. What are the foods that influence or counteract hormones?
“All foods can influence hormones, but in general carbohydrate-containing foods influence insulin, protein-containing foods glucagon, fatty foods leptin and cholecystokinin”.

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8. How much does hormonal balance interfere with chronic diseases?
“Our optimal state of well-being lies precisely in knowing how to minimize our inflammation and hormones are our powerful allies. An incorrect hormonal response following a meal creates an alteration in hormonal production, primarily inhibiting the pituitary gland (gland that secretes various hormones). As a result, a metabolic upheaval is triggered which produces inflammatory cytokines and increases the process of cellular inflammation which is the basis of every disorder and/or chronic degenerative diseases (e.g. diabetes, heart disease, cellular and especially cerebral aging”.

9. Can the “hormo-chemical” diet also rebalance the hormonal structure?
“The main purpose of a hormonal diet is well-being and this is achieved through hormonal balance. Losing weight is a bonus that the body gives us if we also have to lose weight.”

10. What are the hormones that come into play when we talk about nutrition?

Insulin: fIt promotes weight gain, it is the hormone that reduces the amount of sugar present in the blood after consuming carbohydrates. If produced in excess it promotes weight gain and cellular inflammation

Glucagon: fpromotes weight loss. It is the antagonist hormone of insulin, promotes weight loss and is activated by eating proteins.

Cortisol: increases abdominal accumulation. It is the stress hormone and a consequent excessive and constant increase can increase the endogenous production of cholesterol, responsible for the accumulation of abdominal fat

FT4 to FT3: They regulate the metabolism. They are the thyroid hormones that have various actions including the regulation of energy metabolism and influence body weight (both increasing and decreasing).

Leptin: reduces appetite. It is the hormone produced mainly by adipocytes, the cells that store fat. When you eat, the level of leptin in your blood increases, reducing your appetite

Colecistochinina (CCK): slows down appetite. It is the hormone that is activated by the ingestion of fats and proteins. It causes the gallbladder to contract and decrease gastric emptying (the rate at which the stomach empties its contents into the small intestine). Slower gastric emptying reduces appetite

Ghrelin: increases the feeling of hunger. It is the hormone that stimulates the sense of hunger. For example, cortisol also increases the production of ghrelin, which is why many people under stress eat continuously.

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2023-12-07 10:16:17
#Hormone #diet #food #chemistry


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