Guaguas regains the leadership of the Super League

Guaguas regains the leadership of the Super League

Happy ending for Guaguas in the last match of a first round in which Sergio Miguel Camarero’s men regain the leadership of the Super League with their victory at home against the red lantern, the Volleyball Villena Petrer, on the fast track (3-0) and the defeat of Unicaja Costa de Almería in their visit to the Herce Soria Group (3-1).

Placid party of the Gran Canarians that served to see his new setter, Finoli, in action, who made his debut as a starter in a clash in which the Gran Canaria coach allowed himself the license not to put his best man into the fray, Paolo Zonca.

Petrer offered his best face during the first setwith Osorio as the main offensive argument to enter into an exchange of blows with a lazy Guaguas who only had to play at half speed to close it in his favor with a hard-fought 25-23.

The unrewarded effort took its toll on the Valencian team, which was erased from the court by the yellows in a second set in which Sergio Miguel Camarero’s men stepped on the accelerator to place a blushing 25-11 on the scoreboard.

With the game on track, the carousel of changes gave some life to Petrer who could not avoid another fast-track defeat by falling 25-19 in the third.

2023-12-10 00:00:29
#Guaguas #regains #leadership #Super #League


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