Giuliano Scancella: A Year of Achievements in Archery

Giuliano Scancella: A Year of Achievements in Archery

SPORT – In addition to podiums, trophies and medals (a silver and a bronze at the Regionals, a 4th place in the team at the Italians, participation in the European Championships), he continues his activity as a national federal instructor and has also joined the “Mondo Asterix” team showing the first rudiments to boys and girls

6 December 2023 – 12.25 pm …

On the left in Quintana with the Porta Romana district. Among the European Championships in Romania (above) and with the children of “Mondo Asterix”. On the right at the Italian team championships (above) and with the students who follow his courses

It was truly a 2023 worth remembering for the archer from Ascoli Giuliano Scancella. A collection of podiums, trophies, medals and awards obtained during the year, even in four different Federations: Fitarco, Fidasc, Fitast, Lias. “Archer of the world” one might say, given that he has competed in four different Federations, also defending the colors of as many sports associations.

For Fitarco it is linked to Medio Chienti Archers Company of Belforte del Chienti (Macerata). For Fidasc he competes for theAskalaie of Ascoli. For Fitast he wears the shirt of the Historical Archers Avis Spinetoli-Pagliare. For the Lias that of Sagittarius Castro Fulignan of Folignano.

Other colors, a second skin for him, are the red and blue ones of Porta Romana district with which he participates in the Palio degli Arcieri, one of the Quintana events. A race which, at the end of the tests on the various targets, saw him take home 17 points out of a total of 18 for two consecutive years.

Among the most prestigious results that stand out in his 2023 palmares are the bronze medal at the Fitarco Marche 3D regional championship in Fermignano (Pesaro Urbino); 17th place at the European Championships in Romania (European 3D Archery Championships); 4th place in the team at the Fitarco Italian Championships in Poggio Polino (Terni) in the Medio Chienti Archers team also formed by Marco Seri and Giuseppe Cambiotti: 2nd place at the Fidasc Central Italy 3D Regional Championship.

But 2023 was also the year for Scancella in which, as a national federal instructor, he began to hold archery courses, and was also part of the “Asterix World” of Professor Riccardo Spurio, meeting and playing with boys and girls to whom he provided the first rudiments of the ancient art of archery.

«I thank everyone who helped me and was close to me – says Giuliano Scancella – my family and, although unfortunately they are no longer here, my great teacher Alighiero Pignoloni and Priamo Palmieri. And the master craftsman Andrea Brizzi from Gorizia for the wonderful bows that he built for me.”


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2023-12-06 11:25:08
#Archery #Giuliano #Scancella #remember


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