Füssen Royal Bavarians Welcome New Addition from Munich Bossting Team for 2024 Season

The Füssen Royal Bavarians are happy about a new addition from Munich. Player from the 1st Bundesliga will come in 2024 and strengthen the team at the catcher position.

12/24/2023 | Status: 12:00 p.m

Just in time for Christmas, the Füssen Royal Bavarians can introduce their first new signing for the 2024 2nd Bundesliga season. The 26-year-old former national player David Wallace is moving from the Munich-Haar Disciplest in the 1st Bundesliga to the Königswinkel and strengthens the Füssen team, especially in the catcher position, but also in the infield. There are already two departures with Matt Malconian and Christian Aman.

“We are pleased that David found his way to Füssen. “He is an experienced player who brings a lot of knowledge to the team and his personality fits us perfectly,” says head coach Mitch Stephan, who trained Wallace in all of the national teams when he was a teenager and later played with him in Munich-Haar.

Christian Aman is no longer on the pitch for Füssen

Christian Aman will no longer be on the pitch next season. The outfielder decided to take a break from baseball for the time being. Aman was one of the team’s top performers offensively last season. “This is a bitter loss both offensively and defensively. “But we respect his decision and hope for a possible return in 2025,” said Stephan about the departure.

The bigger headache is currently the search for a successor to Matt Malconian. The US import played a key role in Füssen’s success last season and was undoubtedly the best pitcher in the league. Malconian is currently in a recruiting league in Japan and is hoping for a contract in Japan. “Unfortunately, the chance that Matt will come back in 2024 is very small,” says Stephan.

Daniel Mendelsohn gives hope

However, there is hope in discussions with homegrown Daniel Mendelsohn, who has turned his back on the Regensburg team after a season in the first division squad of the Guggenberg Legionnaires and is currently spending the off-season in South Africa. “We hope that we will see Daniel in the Füssen jersey again in 2024,” says Stephan confidently.

He is also already looking for a new import player. We are looking for a direct replacement for Malconian, who should bring the victories for “Royal Bayern” as pitcher in the second game. “We start with initial discussions,” says Stephan.

2023-12-24 11:22:20
#Baseball #David #Wallace #moves #Füssen #News #Füssen


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