FUCALCO: A Modality of Football Adapted for Overweight Individuals

FUCALCO integrates football and health in a modality adapted for those who fight against overweight (Illustrative Image Infobae)

“The fat man is going to the goal!” the kids shouted in the school yard or at the neighborhood club. That scene (which is still repeated) was as classic as the recess snack or amateur soccer afternoons in adolescence.

The discrimination suffered by overweight or obese children and young people, which often manifests itself through bullying, humiliation, exclusion or even physical aggression, has direct consequences: many prefer to avoid the activity for fear of ridicule, They refuse to participate in group games and sports and tend to eat more in response to stress, behaviors that reinforce the problem of their obesity.

Already in adult life, this sometimes translates into a sentence: “football is not for me”, a statement that in a country as fond of football as ours, three-time world champion, turns potential protagonists into mere spectators of the most popular sport. of the planet.

Despite this real-life story, leading an active life is one of the most important pillars to live longer and better years, prevent many diseases and reduce the risk of their complications.

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 60% of the world’s population has an insufficient level of physical activity. In Argentina, according to the National Risk Factor Survey, 54.9% of the population has a “low” level of physical activity.

Traditional football is transformed into FUCALCO® to guarantee equal access to sport and exercise (Illustrative image Infobae)

In fact, regular exercise improves intellectual capacity, work productivity, sexual life and emotional well-being. There are so many benefits that exercise acts as a true ‘polypill’, given that it can prevent twenty-six pathologies already studied.

Inactivity, on the other hand, represents the fourth risk factor for global mortality.

Among the WHO recommendations for people aged 18 to 64 are games, sports and scheduled exercise; in sessions of at least 10 minutes, 2 or more times a week. At Fundación ALCO® the 5 golden minutes have been proposed for many years.

Can an overweight person comply with this recommendation? Of course! As long as you find a motivating physical activity, to which you dedicate the time and effort appropriate to your physical condition… and if it is in a team, much better!, because this way you will be able to add movement, improve health and strengthen or generate new social relationships.

From football walking to FUCALCO®

“Walking soccer” is the name of the discipline that began to be practiced a little over ten years ago in England, adapting the rules of traditional soccer so that sedentary older adults or those with physical limitations could once again enjoy scoring and playing as a team.

To overcome the barrier that the classic version of this sport can represent for many, in an initiative that we had together with Fundación ALCO®, we created FUCALCO®: the first inclusive version (in the country, in Latin America and one of the first in the world) of soccer walking suitable for everyone, regardless of their body weight.

In fact, regular exercise improves intellectual capacity, work productivity, sexual life and emotional well-being.

This proposal seeks to promote physical activity in an entertaining and accessible way for all people with excess weight. It combines the spirit of adapted football and teamwork, making it ideal for anyone regardless of their physical condition or age.

Team, belonging, passion and football are combined for the first time in an adapted and inclusive activity that:

– Allows you to add active minutes of light or moderate intensity.

– In a careful environment to avoid injuries.

– Through a fun, team game (something unusual for overweight people).

– And where everyone plays! People of any age, of both sexes and overweight can participate.

Basic rules of FUCALCO®

Although FUCALCO® shares many similarities with traditional soccer, it has some specific rules to adapt to the needs of the players:

“Walking soccer” is the name of the discipline that began to be practiced a little more than ten years ago in England, adapting the rules of traditional soccer so that sedentary older adults or those with physical limitations could once again enjoy scoring and playing as a team (Getty )

– Running is not allowed.

– Strong contacts are not allowed. Fair play is encouraged and fouls are penalized.

– The team is smaller. Small teams (5 players + 1 goalkeeper) facilitate interaction and control of the game.

– Teams can be mixed (preferably 3 men and 3 women per team) or unisex.

– There are categories. Players will be divided into categories of both sexes based on body weight, age and physical condition.

– Duration of the match. Two times of 5, 10 or 20 minutes depending on the category.

– Playing field. The measure can be set up in any square or adapted within the traditional court. A field of 30 x 15 meters or 20 x 10 meters is planned, depending on the category. In some cases the field is sectored for each player (field with quadrants) and in other cases they walk freely on the field (field without quadrants).

How to play

(Illustrative Image Infobae)

1. On the field with quadrants, each player kicks from his quadrant. On a field without quadrants, players can move around and walk.

2. The goalkeeper can touch the ball with his hands inside the area and must put it into play by rolling it with his hand or foot across the floor towards any of his teammates.

3. All ‘free kicks’ are direct at the goal.

4. The ‘lateral’ does not exist. When the ball leaves the field of play, any member of the public returns it to the field.

5. The ‘penalty’ will be charged to any player who touches the ball with his hand; except the archer who is the only one who can do it.

6. Fouls: if the player jogs instead of walking (one foot must always be on the ground) a ‘free throw’ will be charged for the opposing team at the location of the infraction. If the team plays in the “field with quadrants” category, it will be a foul if the player does not respect his sector and leaves it. If he trips or pushes the opponent voluntarily. If he intentionally touches the ball with his hands or arm (except the goalkeeper). If a player comes between the ball and an opposing player abruptly.

10 golden rules

The FUCALCO team is smaller (5 players + 1 goalkeeper) which facilitates interaction and control of the game (Illustrative image Infobae)

1. Running or jumping is not allowed.

2. Physical contact is prohibited.

3. Players can be of both sexes and of any age or weight.

4. Teams have 6 players and are organized by categories.

5. The playing field is 30 x 15 meters or 20 x 10 meters depending on the category.

6. The ball is smaller than traditional soccer.

7. The ball must be kept below head height.

8. In this version, matches cannot be tied. It is always defined by penalties.

9. The goal can be scored from any sector of the field, even from the goal.

10. Matches last 2 halves of 10 to 20 minutes each.

The inaugural FUCALCO® match is today, Saturday, December 2, on the occasion of the annual ALCO® Foundation meeting in General Paz Park (in front of Tecnópolis) at 11 am. For more information: [email protected]

2023-12-02 03:17:00
#Walking #football #sports #practice #treat #obesity #overweight


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