First train crosses to the US after closure of almost 5 days with million-dollar losses – El Sol de México

Finally, after almost 102 hours of closure, this Friday afternoon the first railway to the United States crossed through Ciudad Juárez through the Black Bridge after the railway crossing was reopened by the authorities of the neighboring country, who tried to prevent the arrival of migrants in the train cars, causing million-dollar losses in trade.

The United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced hours earlier the reopening of the Eagle Pass and El Paso, Texas, rail border crossings.

“Effective December 22, 2023 at 2:00 pm Eastern Time, the CBP Office of Field Operations will resume operations at the international rail bridges in Eagle Pass and El Paso, Texas,” CBP said in a statement. release.

On Monday, the US Customs Office had announced the temporary suspension of operations on the bridges of international railway crossings to stop the influx of migrants at the country’s southern border.

Thor Salayandía Lara, national vice president of Maquiladora and Border Strips of the National Chamber of the Processing Industry (Canacintra), commented that the closure caused million-dollar damages to companies on both sides of the border, which are estimated at more than 500 million Dollars.

“In September alone, these two crossings were used for the passage of 3,388 million dollars, which means that every customs business day 130 million dollars cross through these two bridges,” said the businessman.

Convoy left the Ferromex yards

It was minutes after 2:00 in the afternoon that the machine loaded with several wagons left the Ferromex yards at this border heading to El Paso, Texas.

The enormous convoy took the entire railway to the edge of the Rio Grande, where the Black Bridge is located, behind the Municipal Presidency.

There, the train remained stopped for several minutes, as it commonly does, until finally Border Patrol personnel authorized its crossing.

The suspension of railway activity that began last Monday affected in a certain way the import and export of goods to the neighboring country and Mexico.

However, it is expected that in a few hours another train from Chihuahua will arrive in Ciudad Juárez and will come with hundreds of migrants on board the cars.

Generally, migrants descend behind the North Zone District Prosecutor’s Office and walk along Juan Gabriel Avenue.

2023-12-23 01:26:33
#train #crosses #closure #days #milliondollar #losses #Sol #México


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