Eddie Murphy Predicted the Ending of the Packers vs Giants Game 35 Years Ago

If you didn’t see last night’s game between the Packers and the Giants, know that New York narrowly won 24-22 against Green Bay.

On the last play of the game, Randy Bullock made a 37-yard field goal to give Tommy DeVito’s troop the victory, all to the great pleasure of the quarterback’s father and agent.

And if you haven’t seen the film A Prince in New York… well you are in the tiny minority of people since it is a great cinema classic.

In the 1988 film, Eddie Murphy plays several roles, including the main one: Akeem, the prince of Zamunda, a wealthy African nation.

During his stay in America, Akeem finds work at McDowell’s, a fast food chain. And during a scene with his boss, Akeem talks about a Monday night game between the Packers and the Giants…

Wow! This is exactly what happened yesterday!

It took 35 years, but the prediction finally came!

2023-12-12 14:34:00
#NFL #prince #York #predicted #Packers #Giants #game


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