Donations and Politics: How Teterow Associations Navigate Political Support

Donations and Politics: How Teterow Associations Navigate Political Support

The Lebenshilfe association in Teterow had just declined. As a non-political organization, Lebenshilfe does not accept donations from parties, the managing director of the regional association, Marten Brockmann, made it clear. The reason was a donation that the AfD wanted to hand over to Lebenshilfe from the sale of plush pikes at the Teterower Hechtfest.

Money planned for new club clothing

The judo club in Teterow, however, has no problems with such donations. The AfD district council member Steffi Burmeister and the AfD state parliament member Thomas de Jesus Fernandes just presented the association with a donation of 400 euros. The money came from members of the state parliamentary group, it was said.

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“We want to use it to buy new club clothing with a personalized number on the back,” announced Grit Manzke-Klaus from the judo club.

But what about other parties in Teterow when it comes to providing financial support to clubs or institutions?

“We have already supported the animal protection association and the food bank,” explains Grit Schmelzer, a member of the SPD local association. The SPD member of the Bundestag Johannes Arlt even pitched in during his visit at the beginning of 2022 and handed out 30 boxes.

The SPD member of the Bundestag, Johannes Arlt, pitched in during a visit to the Teterower Tafel. (Photo: Nordkurier archive/private)

If there is a big problem, the local association is ready to provide assistance. But it’s not that easy. “A local association is a small unit that has little money available,” explains Schmelzer. That’s why you have to think carefully about which institution donations go to.

Donations also from private individuals

The CDU also brought a donation to Teterow just a few weeks ago. State parliament member Torsten Renz presented the youth department of the fire department with 300 euros. The money was the proceeds from a cake bazaar on the open day at Schwerin Castle.

The Teterow fire chief Mathias Saft (r.) and his deputy Carsten Tom (l.) recently accepted a donation check from state parliament member Torsten Renz for the youth fire department. (Photo: Eckhart Rosentreter)

However, there are no donations from the CDU city group, says its chairman Mattias Hantel. As a private individual, he donates to the association to support children with cancer and those in need. Last year, together with the district craftsmen’s association and the farmers’ association, he organized a free lunch for those in need. “You make a donation without any ulterior motives, it should come from the heart,” explains Hantel.

The city representatives of the Left faction had waived their attendance fees once this year. “It was donated to purchase new play equipment after the old one burned down,” reports parliamentary group member Christa Geibis. However, no one has yet approached her with a donation request.

2023-12-03 11:30:59
#parties #donate


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