Civitanova Stadium Left Out of Approved Budget, Zero Euros Provided for Renovation

Civitanova Stadium Left Out of Approved Budget, Zero Euros Provided for Renovation

And in the end not a single euro was provided for the stadium.
This is the final result after the approval of the budget which establishes investments of 46 million. It must be said that most of them are “fakes” because they will never be implemented in 2024, much less in 2025, such as the 16 million for the retirement home which we don’t even know where or who will build it -.
In reality, the real money was scraped for the paving of the sea gate: 4 and a half million, the administration surplus, the devolution of mortgages, everything went to redo the paving of the gate. A considerable amount for which the Municipality will go into debt with a mortgage in the next few decades for one and a half million euros but nothing for the stadium. Other synthetic grass fields are planned, basically one per neighborhood. One million and 500 thousand euros for the Santa Maria Apparente and Fontespina fields. Then, by taking out another mortgage you will go to the gym for judo and karate.
Then we must remember that Ciarapica carried out some work on the building both to increase the number of seats and for the external roof as requested by Lube. Hundreds of thousands of euros paid by the municipality. Compared to all this, for the stadium it is just yet another verbal promise but, at this point, it is a sailor’s promise because already four years ago – when Civitanovese won the championship and went to promotion – Ciarapica promised interventions at the stadium, repeating the promise of year after year.
In recent years the Municipality has not even drawn up a project for the renovation of the stadium through the technical office and the 269,000 approved to fix the bathrooms are certainly not enough because that is certainly an indispensable but certainly not decisive intervention.
Now in the 2024 budget there are zero euros for the stadium with all due respect to Civitanova, the fans, and those who withdraw the amendments for the stadium so as not to put the Morresi/Ciarapica duo in difficulty.

2023-12-30 07:28:04


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