CILSA of Santa Fe Secures National Basketball Title, Bringing Joy to the Entire Community

The Free and Solidarity Integration Center of Argentina (CILSA) of Santa Fe He won the national basketball quadrangular against a team from Buenos Aires, Uruguay and in the final against a team from Córdoba.

The title was obtained last December 17, which meant enormous happiness for the entire institution and the entire city of Santa Fe. Cilsa has accumulated more than 20 titles in its entire history and the last time it had achieved this trophy was in the year 2008.

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Silvia Linariwho has been part of the team for 12 years, spoke on the cell phone AIRE and he said that it was an immense and long-awaited joy, they closed a dream year, for which they have been preparing since February for this competition. In addition, Silvia is also a member of not only the first division team but also the second division team, which achieved the championship and even promotion. It was a wonderful year for her.

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The trophies obtained in a brilliant CILSA basketball year.

Fermin Wingerter, Also a member of the champion team, he traveled from the United States to be present in the final. The young man from Santa Fe plays on a team that belongs to a university league in the United States.

“I have been playing for 5 years, since I had an accident, I had never played basketball before but I have played many sports” He also said that he was fortunate to participate with the national team in the Copa América and World Cups.

About what their day to day life is like, the new champions said in AIREthat, the competition is mixed, made up of men and women and they train four times a week.

In this way, the Free and Solidarity Integration Center of Argentina (CILSA) of Santa Fe closed a brilliant year at the sporting level.

2023-12-26 22:35:04
#Cilsa #champion #National #Wheelchair #Basketball #League


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