Christmas Activities and Festivities in Lucena: A Photo Gallery

16 photographs

December 23, 2023

With the beginning of the Christmas holidays for schoolchildren, activities in the school intensify. children’s leisure area installed on Paseo de Rojaswhich, along with the rest of the attractions, this Saturday had multi-adventure activities such as a climbing wall, zip line or archery, which many boys and girls have come to. The activities will continue this afternoon with “Christmas zumba.”

In addition, today the market installed on Paseo del Coso will remain open and tonight another of the highlights of the Christmas program will be held, with the performance in the Plaza Nuevanext to the Portal de Belén, of the Choir of the Brotherhood of Rocío de Huelva, starting at 8:30 p.m. We leave you some photos from this morning.

2023-12-23 15:35:19
#school #holidays #activities #intensify #childrens #leisure #area #Paseo #Rojas #today #included #zip #line #climbing #wall #archery


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