Carolina Marín Starts with Victory in Badminton World Circuit Finals

The Spanish Carolina Marín has started with victory in the finals of the world badminton circuit that is held this year in Hangzhou (China). In two sets (21-18 and 21-10) she beat the American Beiwen Zhang.

For the Huelva native, “it is always difficult to play a first game in a new pavilion,” although 35 minutes were enough for her to win the match. The North American, ninth in the world ranking, started strong (3-9 and 5-10), but Marín knew how to stop her. For her, “the sensations went from less to more”, she managed to find her game and achieve that first set by 21-18.

Zhang, far from giving up, returned motivated in the second game, getting the first two points, but the Spanish reacted with a 9-0 run that ended up tipping the balance in her favor.

A victory that leaves “good feelings” for the Spanish player but that does not make her let her guard down. “Here are the eight best and each game is complicated,” says the Huelva native.

Carolina Marín, Olympic gold medalist in Rio 2016, three-time world champion and six-time European champion, reached the final of this competition last year against the Korean An Se-Young, although she ended up adding a silver to her record. Tomorrow she will play her second match against the Chinese Han Yue and will finish the group stage facing the also local Yu Fei Chen.

2023-12-13 14:47:48
#Carolina #Marín #beats #Zhang


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