BVB: New details on Slaven Stanic’s separation after Zoff with Edin Terzic

After the noisy separation from Slaven Stanic, new details about the trouble at BVB are now coming out. As Bild claims to have learned, the end of the collaboration with sports director Sebastian Kehl’s confidant is not only related to the alleged scandal in the stadium box.

Stanic is also accused of interfering in processes and then passing the internal information on to the media and consultants. His goal is said to have been to discredit coach Edin Terzic.

Through his appearance, Stanic became a “persona non grata,” as Bild learned from club circles. Managing director Hans-Joachim Watzke had already given hints to this effect at the weekend. He was “bothered by the fact that a few internal things have become public in the last few weeks. That didn’t happen here before. We’re getting to the bottom of the matter,” he told Ruhr Nachrichten.

There is now an internal suspicion that Stanic was not solely responsible for the unrest in the club. Too much leaked out for that.

This is also why, according to the picture with a “SOKO mole”, Watzke should now take care of making the club watertight again.

2023-12-06 09:55:43
#BVB #details #Slaven #Stanics #separation #Zoff #Edin #Terzic


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