Brothers Valeria and Francesco Mazzola Promoted to 1st Dan Black Belt in Judo

The graduation exams for black belts from 1st to 3rd dan, organized by the fijlkam regional committee (Italian Judo Wrestling Karate Martial Arts Federation), were held at the PalaZurria in Catania. Present at this event were Valeria and Francesco Mazzola, competitive athletes of Bushido Lascari, who after having faced the required and detailed federal exam, were promoted to 1st dan black belt.

A long journey for the Mazzola brothers from Collesano, which began at a young age, a goal achieved with many sacrifices on the part of the parents and the kids themselves, who, to train, have to go down from their town to the Dojo located in Lascari. A greater commitment, which will now give them greater satisfaction for the goal achieved and a new awareness of their sporting value, achieved in all these years of hard but exciting training. Their teacher Stefano Pernice hopes that Valeria and Francesco, starting tomorrow, will be an example for their young companions who will see them wearing their new belt for the first time.

2023-12-03 16:05:39
#black #belts #Bushido #Lascari


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