Boca’s Quest for New Signings and the Latest News: Transfer Market Updates, Elections, and Vidal Debate

Boca’s Quest for New Signings and the Latest News: Transfer Market Updates, Elections, and Vidal Debate

06/12/2023 12:56hs.

Boca seeks to close reinforcements. Waiting for the start of a new preseason and the transfer market, andl Xeneize seeks to close the first namessome renowned, for the coming season. Ever Banega He would unblock his contract that he has in Saudi Arabia and confirmed that his dream is to return. Arturo vidal, on the other hand, continues to wink and is of the leadership’s palate. On the political map, the Chamber carried out the public draw and appointed Sebastián Font, court 36, as surrogate judge in the case of the Boca partners. Find out more about Xeneize this Wednesday, December 6…

Pass market, elections in Boca and more news…

6/12/2023, 9:17

Elections in Boca: new judge drawn and what will happen now?

Will the third be the loser? After two judges, first Alejandra Abrevaya and then Adriana Romero, excused themselves from the case investigating the membership registry in Boca ahead of the elections, the process was redrawn, which fell into the hands of Sebastián Font, who now You will have to decide if you take it and the steps to follow. Read more.

6/12/2023, 9:16

The discussion that arose in Chile over the possible arrival of Vidal to Boca

The Arturo Vidal issue in Boca does not stop. Since Juan Román Riquelme left him those words of praise, the King’s response and the photos of him on his networks, the link with a possible arrival at Xeneize grew more and more. However, in Chile the issue has three bells. On the one hand, those who believe that the arrival is finalized, while on the other there is that of the player himself and what they think is a political conspiracy. A novel that seems to have no end. Read more.

2023-12-06 14:47:10
#Boca #LIVE #Banega #Vidal #transfer #market #latest #news #Wednesday #December


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