Become a muscle beast at home with a simple chair

As simple as they are formidable, these exercises muscle strengthening will allow you to build muscle using a simple chair.

Accessible to everyone, they can be done on a daily basis, at home or during a break at the office to transform an object associated with a sedentary lifestyle into a real bodybuilding accessory.

Abs, glutes, upper body, quadricepsetc., everything goes with this series of exercises to be reproduced without moderation.

We’re willing to bet you’ll never look at your chair the same way again!

Sculpt your abs with a simple chair

Strengthening of major rights

The exercises proposed here are of the type isometric : the work is carried out at constant length, without lengthening or shortening.

Exercise No. 1 Sitting on the edge of a chair, grab the bottom of the backrest with your hands, straighten your back and look straight ahead.
Lift one thigh as high as possible while keeping your knee bent. Don’t let go of the back stretch. To add difficulty to the exercise, straighten your leg and keep it straight, straight in front of you. Exercise #2

Repeat the previous exercise by proceeding with the two legs at once. Be careful not to arch your back.

Do you want to go even further? Once both legs are raised (knees bent), rock your knees left then right to engage the obliques.

Strengthening the transversus abdominis and obliques

Whatever exercise you perform, always start with yourself. to grow » by moving the top of your head away from your pelvis.

Exercise No. 1 On a floor mat, lie on your back and place your legs square on a chair. Place your hands under your head. Exhale. Block your breathing. Rest your head on your hands, tucking your chin. Inhale. Exercise #2

Still lying on the ground, legs square, heels placed on the seat:

Place your hands on your knees, fingers pointing down. Exhale. Block your breathing. Bring your elbows together, pressing your head firmly against the ground. Don’t stretch your arms. Feel your belly hollow. Inhale. Then bring one foot back to one knee and repeat the breathing exercise. Your stomach will expand much more.

Strengthening the abdominal strap

The strengthening of the abdominal strap goes through so-called “unity” postures, which require keeping the back rigid thanks to the sheathing of the deep muscles and the abdomen.

These exercises have the effect of soliciting all of the abdominals.

Exercise #1

Essential for strengthening sessions, pumps are extremely effective on chocolate bars.

Here’s how to do it with a chair:

Sit on all fours in front of a chair propped against a wall. Place one leg straight on the seat, so that your sole touches the backrest. Then climb the second leg. over. Then perform a push-up while bending your elbows. Be sure to keep your arms close to your body. Come back up by unfolding your arms. Exercise #2

This exercise must be carried out in the yoga posture known as the “watchman” which consists of observing perfect alignment so that no part of the body protrudes.

Sitting on your heels, facing a chair propped against a wall, place your hands on the edge of the seat. Straighten your arms so that you are in a position of inclined board. Your hands should be slightly in front of your face Pull your heels toward the floor.

It is possible tointensify this exercise gradually moving your feet back.

The more you are inclined, arms far in front of the body and heels back, the greater the demand on the abs will be. You can make the exercise even tougher by adding a movement of pump.

Exercise #3

This third exercise called double square engages the entire abs.

Here’s how to do it correctly:

Sit on the edge of a chair and place your hands on the sides of the seat, near your buttocks. Straighten your back. Bring your thighs against your stomach, making sure to keep your back straight. Your thighs and spine should form a right angle, as should your thighs and calves. Hold the position.

Strengthen your upper body with a chair

The upper back concentrates tensions. Chair exercises are excellent for restoring flexibility to the upper back, neck and shoulders while contributing to muscle toning.

They will also help you adopt good posture on a daily basis.

Exercise #1

Here is a simple and formidable movement for triceps :

Sitting on the edge of a chair, place your hands on the sides of the seat. Raise your pelvis.
Let your trunk go down to the front of the chair by bending your arms. Come back up by pushing on your arms.

To add difficulty, perform the same exercise,legs stretched in front of you.

Exercise #2

This second exercise called the “Russian dance” starts from the same position as the exercise described previously, namely sitting on the edge of a chair, arms resting on the sides of the seat.

For the rest:

Lift your buttocks off the chair by pushing on your arms and extend one leg horizontally while keeping the other leg bent, foot in contact with the floor. Go down and back up as in the previous exercise. Exhale on the push.

Strengthen your glutes using a chair

Working on the glutes requires good stabilization of the pelvis in order to avoid an arch of the back as well as an abdominal thrust. Done correctly, these movements also help to tone the perineum.

Exercise #1

here is a very simple exercise to firm your glutes:

Standing next to a chair, place one foot on the seat. While contracting the perineum, bring your tailbone forward while you push your bent knee using the hand on the same side.

This movement also allows you to gain flexibility at hip level.

Exercise #2

This second exercise entitled half arch is also excellent for strengthening the glutes. Here’s how to take advantage of its benefits:

Lie down on the window before placing the back of your left foot on the seat, knee bent at 90°. Hold your pelvis so as not to arch your back. Arms are extended in front of your body. Bend your right knee so that your foot is placed on your buttock. Grab your instep with your right hand. Your lower left is still stretched out in front of you.
Raise the top of your bust. Let your right knee extend as far as possible, tiptoe toward the ceiling, while keeping your foot in your hand.

Work your quadriceps using a chair

For this exercise you will need two chairs installed opposite each other, spread apart so that you can sit in the middle (on the floor).

Once seated on the ground, surrounded by chairs:

Place your hands on the seats with your elbows bent. Stretch one leg out in front of you. This should be off the ground to form a 90° angle with your hips. Exercise a push on your arms to lift your pelvis. Keep your leg straight. Continue the movement by standing up completely, leg extended straight in front of you, kept as high as possible. Keep your back straight. Updated by Manon on: 12/27/2023

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