Avanade collaborates with Fitprime to promote employee well-being – Sport Marketing News

Avanade collaborates with Fitprime to promote employee well-being – Sport Marketing News

Almost a year after the launch, 900 employees in Italy (almost 50% of the total) have joined the wellbeing and well-being program promoted by Avanadea global ecosystem innovation company Microsoftand developed with Fitprime, the corporate welfare services platform aimed at personal well-being. Physical exercise to combat the sedentary nature of office work, nutritional plans and specific programs dedicated to mental health are the themes on which the benefits focus, aimed at ensuring greater well-being and balance between private and work life.

According to “Wellbeing & Corporate”, the first Fitprime Observatory created to measure the well-being of recipients of wellbeing programs in companies, doing sport leads to greater general well-being (86.1%), a reduction in stress (56, 1%) and an improvement in their work performance (13%). Furthermore, if it is the company that offers access to gyms and sports centers at discounted prices, not only does this result in a better perception of the company (according to 55.5% of those interviewed), but also the opportunity to start doing sports for those who are inactive (31.3%).

“People have always been at the center of our strategy. The issues of wellbeing and corporate wellness have then become a priority since, after Covid, the need to promote a healthy and balanced lifestyle emerged increasingly strong”, he declares Stefano Angelella, HR Director at Avanade. “We leveraged the culture of flexibility and ability to work remotely, already widely developed at Avanade, and expanded them to support our employees during the pandemic. Once this period was over, we continued to dedicate attention to their physical and mental well-being, thanks to the definition and launch of a series of programs, including the one born from the collaboration with Fitprime.”

The new wellbeing and wellness plan
With Fitprime, Avanade has created a series of programs aimed at supporting the issue of corporate wellbeing. Half of the employees have already chosen the wellness plan and over a third have started to actively use the Places service, the initiative that allows access to a network of fitness and wellness centers throughout Italy or to training programs accessible online , with the possibility of extending up to three direct contacts. In addition to physical well-being, Avanade employees have also taken advantage of solutions designed for nutritional well-being – such as the Nutrition program, which involves the start of a path with specialized nutritionists to adopt a healthier eating style – and for mental well-being coming into contact with qualified psychotherapists, as well as participating in training courses – Mindful Journey – in which psychologists specialized in the field of mindfulness show employees techniques for developing a better mental balance, even at work.

“The program proposed in collaboration with Fitprime is enjoying great success in the company: 50% of our people have already chosen the wellness plan and 30% have actively used the network of gyms available. Furthermore, participation in the Mindful Journey path was significant and had a positive impact on our investigations into the working environment”, continues Angilella.

“Encouraging a healthy and active lifestyle is not enough. Companies that, like Avanade, launch wellbeing and wellness programs are very clear that balanced people, with a low level of stress and well integrated into the corporate context are happier and more efficient workers. Avanade has not limited itself to creating culture on these issues, but has implemented concrete actions: discounts for registering in a sports center and the possibility of accessing nutrition professionals and psychologists – states Matteo Musa, CEO and Co-Founder of Fitprime. – The activity plan that we have developed together, and already used by half of the employees of the Italian headquarters, is ambitious and will certainly have a great impact.”

The Total Reward program
The plan that Avanade developed with Fitprime is part of a broader employee benefits program, the Total Reward project. The company has expressed its desire to offer, in addition to the classic company benefits (medical insurance, company car or more specific services such as agreements for personal travel or the supply of electronic devices), also the space and tools necessary to find one’s own balance and personal well-being. In addition to flexible working, with smart working plans created specifically for employees, there are training programs aimed at obtaining various types of certifications. To then continue with the creation of interest groups, Employee Networks, which have the aim of promoting diversity and inclusion in the company, up to paid leave to participate as volunteers in the activities of charitable organizations chosen by employees.

“I believe that the more we, as companies, commit ourselves to creating a healthy and well-being context in our working environment, the more we will have a territory, an Italy, and a working horizon in which health problems and those related to psychological well-being will be managed with more efficiency and effectiveness” – closes Angilella.

2023-12-04 17:17:06
#Avanade #collaborates #Fitprime #promote #employee #wellbeing #Sport #Marketing #News


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