Artificial Intelligence translates cuneiform texts from thousands of years ago

The great achievement of Artificial Intelligence

AI translates cuneiform texts thousands of years old

What is the content of these ancient texts?

In the year 1799, a stone revealed our past. Is about Piedra Rosetta, which is exhibited in the British Museum in London. In the year 2023, a technology will write our future. Is it the Artificial intelligence the new Rosetta Stone? Iker Jimenez delves into this issue together with Angel Child, Delegate Councilor for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the Madrid City Council.

And AI is capable of translate texts and hieroglyphs that, until now, no one had been able to decipher due to the difficulty involved in cuneiform writing. And it does it in a matter of seconds, and the texts are not written on a flat surface, but in three dimensions. For this reason, specialists assure that this would be the new Rosetta Stone.

And what is the content of these texts that have been translated? “Shopping lists, legal texts, things from everyday, normal life. The first of them was a list to see who was paying taxes and who was not,” says Niño. “Artificial Intelligence is more precise in that kind of text,” he adds.

What has happened opens a new door of investigation: Will we be able to read texts from other civilizations outside the Earth? “Maybe we will find texts that talk about the arrival of beings from another planet,” Iker and Ángel wonder. “What a cultural shock there will be when we get closer,” they reflect.


2023-12-17 23:30:52
#Artificial #Intelligence #translates #cuneiform #texts #thousands #years


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