Argentina at a Crossroads: The Rise of Javier Milei and the Threat to Democracy

by Riccardo Jannello


The politics of the chainsaw and the baseball bat: Javier Milei, who took office in the Casa Rosada on December 10, continues in his plan to lead Argentina with full powers and in addition to promulgate the laws promised to the voters – devaluation of the peso, axes on public employees, pension cuts, but not the privatization of healthcare and schools, which have been canceled for now – aims to make Parliament a useless body with what he pompously calls the “Law of the foundations and starting points for the freedom of Argentines”, 664 articles in which there is everything and also what scares internal and international opponents the most: “The public emergency in economic, financial, fiscal, social security, defense, tariff, energy, health, administrative and social matters until 31 December 2025”.

Simply put, Milei, if the measure extendable for another two years is approved, would concentrate all powers on himself and govern with an absolute mandate. Will the fifty-three-year-old economist and politician be able to carry forward this which is his definitive project? But compared to 56% percent in the ballot that took him to the top of Argentina, the president’s party – La Libertad Avanza – has only 38 deputies out of 257 and 7 senators out of 72 and therefore needs the unconditional support of the right-wing parties with which he governs and who provide ministers to his executive. In Juntos por el Cambio, however, not everyone looks favorably on the disempowerment of Parliament and the most anti-democratic reforms. Milei does not get too upset and implements his electoral revolution (this too at risk of constitutionality): no longer the distribution of seats according to the votes at national level, but 257 single-member constituencies for the Chamber which, especially in the Buenos region Aires which is his fortress and would be rewarded with most of the constituencies, could lead, according to the studies of those close to the president, to his own autonomous political majority. And at that point there will really be no more obstacles for La Libertad Avanza and its inventor.

The “law on freedom” is being examined in the Chamber these days with very long sessions requested by Milei. In the meantime, however, the “Decree of necessity and urgency” is already in force which regulates the rush to privatize forty state companies – including the national bank and the Mint as well as transport – and the cutting of a good number of the 3.5 million public employees, an operation that refers to the chainsaw brought to the squares during rallies. But it is the “special” law – whose vote will be completed in March – that is most worrying, in which the penalties for those who organize a demonstration “that prevents, hinders or obstructs traffic or public transport” are increased to up to five years in prison. or private”, and above all sets the gathering to three people to define an unauthorized protest: six years for those who fail to do so.

Abroad, people look with wonder at Milei’s decision to no longer join Brics, the group of Chinese-led countries. At home the unions – led by the General Confederation of Labor – are on a war footing and have proclaimed a general strike on January 24 with a march towards Congress. They protest against inflation at 147% and poverty. Will it be a tough fight? Milei responded by picking up the baseball bat and, mimicking Robert de Niro in The Untouchables, said that this “will be the end of the communists.” On a plane that took him to Mar del Plata he shouted to the passengers “Long live freedom, c … o!”: He was going to a show of his partner, the actress, singer, dancer and imitator Fatima Florez; the highlight number in which the audience laughed out loud was when he imitated his Javier with a gray suit, disheveled hair, white and blue headband and incomprehensible screams.

2023-12-31 10:37:53
#electoral #exploit #Squeeze #marches #full #powers #Milei #Argentina


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