Are they a health problem?

Are they a health problem?

L’esophthalmia it is a term used in ophthalmology to define when a person has eyes that clearly protrude from the sockets; in common jargon we use to talk about “bulging eyes”, and this can be more or less evident or pronounced depending on the person. The specialists of Clinica Baviera, one of the leading companies in Europe in the ophthalmology sector, explain that protruding eyes they are not always related to a vision problem or disease, but can sometimes be a symptom of other underlying medical conditions; this is why it is important to evaluate any changes in the appearance of the eyes with an expert to determine the cause and the appropriate treatment.

Protruding eyes causes and remedies: are they a health problem?

There are two types of exophthalmia: bilateral, when both eyes are affected, and unilateral, when the protrusion is more noticeable in one eye than the other. In both cases visual problems may occur associated, such as double vision, dry eyes, irritation, discomfort and even difficulty closing the eyelids completely.

The relationship between bulging eyes and vision problems it may depend on the cause of the protrusionThis is why it is important to consult a specialist. To diagnose it, the ophthalmologist must do a complete study in which, among others, tests such as exophthalmometry, computed tomography, an ocular motility examination are performed, to clarify the specific cause of each case and formulate an adequate diagnosis.

What are the causes of bulging eyes?

There are several causes that can lead to exophthalmia, here they are.

1. Hereditary facial conformation

The first of the causes of “protruding eyes” is known as hereditary facial structure, that is, it is due to a genetic issue. It is the only case in which it is useless to seek the cause of exophthalmia with an expert, since it is not associated with any medical condition, but is simply due to genetics.

2. Graves’ disease

It is one of the most common causes, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid gland causing increased production of thyroid hormones.
This disorder causes a buildup and swelling of the tissue behind the eyes, resulting in protrusion of the eye, which is usually bilateral and impairs the ability to close the eyelids completely, leading to eye problems, such as dryness and redness.
It is often accompanied by other symptoms such as weight loss, nervousness and excessive sweating. Treatment of Graves’ disease may include antithyroid drugs, radioactive iodine, or surgery to reduce the production of thyroid hormones.

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3. Thyroid problems

In addition to Graves’ disease, other thyroid disorders can cause exophthalmos. Both hyperthyroidism (overproduction of thyroid hormones) and hypothyroidism (underproduction of thyroid hormones) can damage the eyes, although it is important to note that these two factors are not always associated.

4.Eye injuries

Trauma or injury to the ocular region can affect the surrounding muscles and tissues, causing an ocular protrusion. The appearance and position of the eyes may vary depending on the nature and severity of the injury. This type of exophthalmos is the result of the accumulation of blood, fluid, or other tissue in the affected area due to trauma. Examples of injuries can be: orbital fractures, which cause displacement of the surrounding tissues; hematomas, which cause a pooling of blood that causes a protrusion; edema, which causes swelling due to the accumulation of fluid after the injury.

5. Inflammatory diseases

Some inflammatory diseases can affect the tissues around the eyes causing bulging eyes. Some of them are:

Idiopathic orbitopathy

A form of orbital inflammation that occurs without a clear cause and can damage the muscles and tissues around the eyes, giving symptoms such as bulging eyes, eye pain, or double vision.


It is an inflammation of the orbital tissues that can be caused by infections, allergies, or other inflammatory conditions.


An inflammatory disease that can affect different organs of the body, including the eyes. It can cause inflammation of the eye tissues and, in some cases, lead to bulging eyes.

Wegener’s granulomatosis.

This is another inflammatory disease that can affect the eyes and cause changes in the appearance of the eye. These diseases can affect the tissues around the eyes, including the muscles and orbital fat, causing changes in the appearance of the eyes. Treatment depends on the underlying disease and may include anti-inflammatory drugs, immunosuppressants, radiation therapy, or, in some cases, surgery.

6. Infections

In general, eye infections are not a common cause of bulging eyes; However, there are some infectious conditions that can affect the tissues around the eyes and, in more severe cases, contribute to changes in the appearance of the eye. For example, orbital cellulitis, a bacterial infection of the orbital tissues around the eye, parasitic infections that rarely affect them but can cause inflammation, or mucormycosis, a fungal infection that can affect the paranasal sinuses and spread to the eye socket causing bulging eyes. It is important to note that these cases are less common and that typical eye infections, such as conjunctivitis or blepharitis, usually do not cause bulging eyes.

7. Tumors

Tumors in the eye socket, or behind the eye, can also cause the eyes to swell. They can be benign or malignant and their treatment depends on the specific nature. There are several types of tumors that can affect the tissues around the eyes and cause changes in the appearance of the eye, such as: orbital tumors, thyroid gland tumors, adrenal gland tumors, and pituitary tumors.
It is essential to consult a specialist to determine the underlying cause of the change in the appearance of the eyes early and to provide appropriate treatment.

In some people the appearance of the eyes can cause discomfort or become a complex but it is important to realize that beauty is subjective and self-confidence must be cultivated; sometimes simple tricks and tricks with make-up can help to highlight other areas of the face and balance the overall appearance making it harmonious.

Bulging eyes how to hide them

Here are some tips from Clinica Baviera to hide protruding eyes.


The best eyeshadows for hiding bulging eyes are matte shades, as the bright, glittery colors can draw attention to the eyes. Dark shades on the eyelid create depth and reduce the obviousness of the protrusion.


It’s best to apply dark eyeliner to your upper lash line to define your eyes, and not to use it on your lower lash line, as it can make your eyes appear larger.


Using mascara to lengthen and curl your upper lashes helps draw attention away from bulging eyes. Better to avoid mascara on the lower lashes so as not to make them look bigger.

Well defined eyebrows

Well-defined, arched eyebrows can help draw attention away from the eyes; a slightly higher arch balances the look of the eyes.

Concealer and foundation

Using concealer to cover dark circles and shadow areas around the eyes is essential to hide the protrusion. Foundation makes the complexion even and draws attention away from the eyes.

Wear sunglasses

Sunglasses can change the perception of your face shape and help disguise the appearance of bulging eyes. Impressive frames highlight other facial features.

Hairstyle and accessories

A hairstyle that falls on the sides of your face can help balance the look of your eyes. Accessories like statement earrings or paying attention to highlighting your lips with makeup can also mask the shape of your eyes.

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2023-12-08 07:25:51
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