Arctos Partners Joins Paris Saint-Germain as New Shareholder

Paris (dpa) – The top French soccer club Paris Saint-Germain is getting a new shareholder. The private capital firm Arctos Partners will join the champions but will have no influence on the club’s sports policy, the French capital club said.

According to the sports magazine “L’Équipe”, Arctos is said to hold 12.5 percent of the shares in PSG. There was initially no official information about this. However, the club announced that Arctos should only be a minority shareholder.

PSG owner Qatar Sports Investments wants to support the club’s projects with a view to the stadium and training center with the new investment. Arctos will also help drive PSG’s international expansion into new markets, such as North America. The US company is already involved in sports, including Liverpool FC, the Formula 1 racing team Aston Martin and North American teams from the NBA basketball league, the NHL ice hockey league and the MLB baseball league.

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2023-12-07 16:23:06
#Football #PSG #shareholder #Sport


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