Anacim forecasts for the next 24 hours

Anacim forecasts for the next 24 hours

The National Civil Aviation and Meteorology Agency (Anacim) announced its weather forecast for this Saturday, December 2, 2023.

“Over the next 24 hours, the sky will be partly cloudy over the southwest and center-west regions while over the rest of the territory an alternation of clearings and cloudy periods will be noted. Despite a slight drop in temperatures, the heat will remain inland, particularly in the North, Center and East zones where daily maximums will oscillate between 36 and 40°C. The night and morning coolness will be slightly felt across the country”announces Anacim in its bulletin for this Saturday, December 2.

→ ALSO READ: Weather: Anacim forecasts for the next 24 hours

“Visibilities will be generally good across the entire territory. The prevailing winds will be from the North to North-East and of low to moderate intensity, becoming momentarily quite strong on the Dakar-Mbour axis.adds Anacim.

→ ALSO READ: Weather: Anacim forecasts for the next 24 hours

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