AMLO outlines reforms so that Pensión Bienestar is constitutional at age 65 – El Sol de México

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that he plans to send a package of constitutional reforms before the end of his government to establish his social programs and benefits for older adults, the disabled and journalists, so that they are not covered up or annulled by his adversaries.

Regarding whether IMSS affiliation of independent journalists will continue, he said: “As for whether these support programs for journalists who do not have social security will continue, I think so.

Maybe we are looking for something to be done like a decree so that it costs them (the opponents) work, if they try to reverse it. But I don’t think so, there are many things that they will not be able to remove,” said the president.

“How are they going to reverse the pension for the elderly? Because it is already elevated to constitutional status and the people would not allow that,” said the man from Tabasco.

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He added that he will send a complete package regarding Welfare programs to stipulate that the pension for older adults is from 65 years of age onwards and also that the pension for disabled people is universal.

“That same right is established in the constitution and that is why I am going to send another initiative for constitutional reform, because it was established from the age of 68 and is already being given from the age of 65 and in the constitution it was established from the age of 68. And then lack of disability, I am going to send a package with everything that is the welfare state of Reform to article 4 of the Constitution, before I finish,” the president pointed out.

In January 2019, the López Obrador Government put into operation the Pension Program for the Well-being of the Elderly, which initially aimed to provide 1,275 pesos per month to 8.5 million people in this population group.

This measure has been criticized by opponents of his government, as they see a populist and clientelistic measure to strengthen social support for his Government.

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On the eve of López Obrador leaving his government and coinciding with the presidential election period, the Tabasco native has bordered on increasing the Pension for Seniors by 25 percent, so it is estimated that it will reach 6 thousand pesos every two months.

2023-12-21 15:44:05
#AMLO #outlines #reforms #Pensión #Bienestar #constitutional #age #Sol #México


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