Ajax Women Suffer Defeat in Eredivisie Match Against PSV and Campaign Against Hate Messages on Social Media

Dec 9, 2023 at 4:28 PM Update: a day ago

Ajax Women lost a seemingly certain victory over PSV in the final phase on Saturday. At the De Herdgang sports complex, the reigning national champions lost a large lead, partly thanks to an unfortunate own goal: 3-3.

After a promising opening phase, Joëlle Smits opened the score for PSV after 24 minutes. Eight minutes later, Quinty Sabajo scored the equalizer. After the break, Ajax took distance thanks to goals from Dutch international Romée Leuchter and Bente Jansen.

Ajax seemed to be winning, but things went wrong in the final phase. PSV still had hope thanks to an own goal by Isa Kardinaal, after which Chimera Ripa scored the equalizer in injury time: 3-3.

The Ajax players played without names on their shirts in their match against PSV today. The Amsterdam club is campaigning against hate messages on social media with nameless shirts.

Despite the loss of points, Ajax remains number two in the Eredivisie Women, four points behind FC Twente. The leader can move further ahead on Sunday if they beat AZ. PSV is fourth.

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Beeld: Getty Images

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Women EredivisieAjax WomenPSV Women


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