Adaptive Archery: Promoting Inclusivity and Community Through Sport

Adaptive Archery: Promoting Inclusivity and Community Through Sport

the essentials Archery, a sporting discipline which aims to be as inclusive as possible. You just have to adapt. As proof, the session with a group of disabled people which took place in Beaumont-de-Lomagne (Tarn-et-Garonne), under the aegis of the departmental committee.

The archers of Lomagne, Beaumont de Lomagne, hosted a friendly meeting to discover the Nature and 3D archery disciplines in the Gimone hall.

With the help of the departmental archery committee of Tarn et Garonne, represented by the archers of Labreille (Verdun sur Garonne) and the Bressolais archers (Bressols), the archers of Lomagne set up around fifteen targets Nature and 3D of animals (small coypu, for example) in the vast Gimone hall, well suited for this type of organization.

Lots of archers for this unique DDM experience – Laurent Mercadier

The artistic side of the staging was praised by the participants, their guides and the archers accustomed to 3D shooting. Jean-Luc Deprince, mayor of Beaumont de Lomagne and departmental advisor, Caroline Marcipont, federal technical advisor for adapted sports in Tarn-et-Garonne and Laure Nowak, representative of the FFSA d’Occitanie, were welcomed by Frédéric Bugnone (president of the departmental archery committee) and Jean-Claude Escudé (president of the Lomagne archers) and were able to see the motivation of the disabled archers who came, in particular, from Albi and Blagnac.

Remember that, for several years, the Tarn et Garonne departmental council has supported the initiatives of the departmental archery committee for FFTA and FFSA disabled archers by participating in the financing of three-dimensional archery targets.

This afternoon took place in a generally good mood and was closed with a friendly snack. The archers present and their companions promised to come in greater numbers next time. The organizers, for their part, are already thinking about this next time…
FFTA = French Archery Federation and FFSA = French Adapted Sports Federation.

2023-12-08 11:31:00
#shot #archery #disability


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