Accused of conflict of interest for several days, Susie and Toto Wolff counterattack

After being implicated in an investigation for a possible conflict of interest, the couple Toto and Susie Wolff intend to assert their rights and understand where the blows came from.

And this, even if in less than 48 hours the FIA ​​went from wanting to open an investigation to denying even the slightest suspicion. Certainly, neither Susie nor Toto Wolff were named in the opening of information requested by the FIA ​​(International Automobile Federation), but everyone had guessed that the couple was targeted, following an anonymous denunciation where the the couple was suspected of having exchanged confidential information between Liberty Media, the F1 promoter, and a team director. Easy to guess who the two targeted characters were.

“I was the victim for 48 hours of insinuation about my integrity. And no one at the FIA ​​came to talk to me directly about it”

Susie Wolff, general director of the F1 Academy, an event reserved for female drivers and wife of Toto Wolff, the boss of the Mercedes team, said that she “felt deeply insulted. So when I saw the FIA ​​press release putting an end to the suspicions I said to myself: “but why all this”? I was the victim for 48 hours of insinuation about my integrity. And no one at the FIA ​​came to talk to me directly about it. I have worked too hard to let my reputation be undermined by a baseless press release. »

There is no question for the Wolff family of closing the case without further action. Still Susie Wolff: “I was extremely grateful for the support of the F1 teams, who, in unison, gave us their support. But this episode is not closed. It has taken place until now without transparency or taking responsibility. I and my family have been insulted on social media. I will not be intimidated and I intend to follow up until I find out who is behind this campaign that has misled the media? This is just not acceptable. »

Toto Wolff demanded “total transparency” on the matter and reserves the right to take the matter to court. “We are in the process of discussing legal matters with the FIA. » And the press release from the German team concludes: “Therefore we appeal for your understanding regarding the fact of not commenting further on this matter. »


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