«A great day in the history of football, now the clubs will be masters of their own destiny»- Corriere TV

«A great day in the history of football, now the clubs will be masters of their own destiny»- Corriere TV

«Today is a great day for the history of football and sport»: this is how Florentino Pérez, president of Real Madrid, commented on the EU Court’s decision on the Super League. “European club football is not and will never be again” added Pérez in a video released by the club. «We have the duty and responsibility to give European football the new impetus it so badly needs: we will continue to support a modern project – he adds -, fully compatible with national competitions, open to all, based on sporting merit and which will impose compliance with financial Fair Play in an effective manner” (VISTA Agency / Alexander Jakhnagiev)

December 21, 2023 – Updated December 21, 2023, 2:55 pm


2023-12-21 14:54:02
#great #day #history #football #clubs #masters #destiny #Corriere


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