A Big Brother participant revealed her difficult family history: “They wanted to send me to a psychologist to make me heterosexual”

Two weeks before the start of the reality show, the participants of Big Brother They continue to know each other. This week the girls got together in the room to talk about their lives, a moment that Lucia Maidanathe 22-year-old girl from Salta, took the opportunity to open her heart and tell her classmates about her difficult family story.

After telling his colleagues that he is dating a girl named Virginia, Lucy revealed that he had to travel to Spain to get away from his family, and they never managed to accept his sexual orientation. «She doesn’t come to my house, I come to hers. But well, he does go to my grandmother’s house, to my uncles’ house too, but not to my house,” said the young woman from Salta about her parents’ treatment of her partner.

“She doesn’t go to my house because my dad sees her and kills her, basically. My dad confronted my girlfriend and everything. And my girlfriend stood up to him. And you have to stand up to my dad, it’s like standing up to a soldier,” he said. Lucy. Then he asked: “Did you know that there are conversion centers?” Seeing the expressions of ignorance from her colleagues, she explained: “They are conversion centers. In other words, they wanted to send me to a psychologist from Spain who would ‘cure you’.”

“I don’t know what they’ll do to you, idiot. They called me electroshock, all those things. For me, that is really normal, that they try to ‘convert’ you,” he added. Lucy. He also gave details of his family, whom he defined as elitist and very Catholic: “My family belongs to a place, elite, where at 15 years old you have a dance at a time of year where a boy has to invite you. It’s called ‘The young girls’ dance,’” she revealed.

“That was used so that men could see the girls and know who they could choose in the future. So that you are presented with the last name and first name. It is ‘the’ event of the family, of the year,” he explained. Lucy. Regarding how she coped with this situation, the woman from Salta said: “Now I laugh, I have a group with my friends that we call ‘Las carboncitos’, because we were burned out, in Salta. Because we always did everything that was suggested to us, my girlfriend is also from Salta, but her family is, like, calmer than mine.” “Although it was also difficult for her, because she went to the psychologist and all those things, everything was much calmer,” the young woman concluded.


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