30th Annual Vigo Children’s Judo Festival at As Travesas Pavilion

30th Annual Vigo Children’s Judo Festival at As Travesas Pavilion

The As Travesas pavilion celebrates on Sunday (11:30 a.m.) the thirtieth edition of the popular Vigo Children’s Judo Festival whose life also began in As Travesas in 1992 and which, except in the year of the 2020 pandemic, has bringing together young judokas under 14 years of age on an uninterrupted basis.

The team led by Mario Muzas, president of the Galician Judo Federation, which is the organizer of the festival, estimates that throughout its history a total of 25,000 practitioners of this sport have passed through its tatami that throughout the festival They receive their recognitions and undergo the tests that entail their change of belts. The Children’s Festival, always held on dates close to Christmas, has almost become part of the city’s Christmas calendar. In this year’s edition, it is estimated that 1,100 kids will participate, causing the stands at the As Travesas venue to be packed to capacity.

The Children’s Festival consists of a massive and participatory competition, a technical hudo competition applied to Personal Defense in which boys and girls from clubs and schools throughout the province (more than fifty) participate where judo is practiced as well as the Municipal Schools of Vigo and the Provincial Schools of the Provincial Council.

The organization is the responsibility of the Galician Football Federation and is sponsored by the City Council of Vigo, , especially due to the volume of athletes it is capable of mobilizing.

During the festival the judokas participate without the need to make groups by age or weight category since the pedagogical system used allows smaller judokas to be made with older ones or boys to participate with girls without any problem, it is a competition in which no one loses. and everyone brings their prize. For participating, each child receives gifts and a diploma with the score obtained, which is later used in their club or school to pass the grade.

During the weekend the 20 tatami mats and the entire main stage will be installed. The judokas are divided into groups of approximately 50 children and for the event they are distributed:

Since 2006, this event has been named after the sadly deceased Judo Master – José Luis De Frutos – in homage to one of the most important teachers of this sport on the Galician, national and international scene, not only for his sporting or Olympic achievements. for his teaching work over more than thirty years but also for the development of an easy and modern pedagogical teaching method that will be put into practice by the participants in this Festival.

2023-12-15 09:42:14
#Travesas #awaits #Childrens #Fiesta


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