Weapon of Choice: The Debate Between the Plank and Baseball Bat in The Last of Us

Weapon of Choice: The Debate Between the Plank and Baseball Bat in The Last of Us

When faced with a runner, it is necessary to react quickly. If you had a choice between a board and a baseball bat, which weapon would you use to defend yourself?

Warning, this article includes major spoilers about The Last of Us Part I et The Last of Us Part II.

After the machete and fire ax a few days ago, Naughty Dog returned this week to question players again. This time, if you found yourself faced with a runner attacking you, would you rather choose the plank or the baseball bat ? The community X (Twitter) from the studio has decided…

The board versus the baseball bat: which of these two weapons will win?


The board is a melee weapon that appears in The Last of Us Part I and in The Last of Us Part II. If it seems fragile, it remains a means of defense which proves very useful in dangerous situations.

In The Last of Us Part I

It is important to remember that the board is the first weapon that we saw Joel use of all history of The Last of Us ! Indeed, in the trailer announcement of the first opus, broadcast during the Spike Video Game Awards 2011, Joel uses this weapon to finish off another survivor.

The board is the very first weapon that we can see Joel use in the history of the license!

In the game, it’s about docks that it is possible to pick up a board for the first time. This is initially held by a smuggler under the orders of Robert.

This board will no longer be useful to him… We might as well borrow it from him.

This weapon is also used by the Pittsburgh Hunters, notably during the ambush of Joel and Ellie’s pickup. We can also see that this board has been improvedmaking it even more dangerous.

Hunters use a lot of melee weapons to fight.

In The Last of Us Part II

In this second opus, Ellie does not hesitate to use the same means as Joel to survive. The board is no exception to the rule, and is available as an item to pick up in several areas of the game. We can note its presence at theexterior of Seattle hospital, area under the control of the Washington Liberation Front (WLF). This sequence also appeared in the State of Play dedicated to The Last of Us Part IIbroadcast on May 27, 2020.

A board that is making a comeback in The Last of Us Part II.

Finally, the board is also used by Ellie during her confrontation with Abby in the theater, during the third day in Seattle.

Ellie uses everything she has at hand to attack Abby.

Baseball bat

The baseball bat, like the board, appears in both games of the license The Last of Us.

In The Last of Us Part I

The baseball bat does not have a notable appearance in the game. The first time Joel is able to collect one is in the Bill’s Town Laundromatwhen the trio of survivors flee a horde of infected.

A baseball bat in a laundromat… Funny idea.

In The Last of Us Part II

In this second game, a first baseball bat can be found by Ellie during her search for the WLF with Dina. It is located in a room of one of the houses of Capitol Hill.

This bat will soon be useful to Ellie, there are so many Wolves.

Finally, this weapon also appears during a cutscene, towards the end of the game. Indeed, the Crotales use a baseball bat to hit Abby in order to capture her, as she leaves 2425 Constance, at Santa Barbara. These bandits show no restraint towards the young woman.

Rattlesnakes are no fools.

Board VS baseball bat

As previously with the machete and fire axe, Naughty Dog asked players about X (Twitter). But this time, it’s against the board and the baseball bat. The question was therefore simple: between these two weapons, which one would you prefer have to hit a runner?

Quick: You’re being chased by a runner, what melee weapon would you prefer to have?

It’s not just about sustainability: sometimes it’s just how it feels. #TheLastOfUs

And the result is clear: the baseball bat won a large majority of your votes, with 80% of 5,915 votes !

You voted and spoke in favor of fencing. ⚾️

This runner had no chance.

Obviously, the violence of the baseball bat appealed to the survivors playing The Last of Us. Note that this famous melee weapon probably also benefits from a certain popularity thanks to its appearance in other works post-apocalyptic. « Look at that. Taking it like a champ! »

And you, which of these two weapons would you use against a runner? Don’t hesitate to tell us in the comments! You can also follow Naughty Dog Mag’ on networks: YouTube, X (Twitter)Facebook, Instagram, Discord, Threads et BlueSky.


2023-11-09 09:05:14
#board #baseball #bat


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