Virtus Ragusa – Pallacanestro Viola: A Thrilling Overtime Victory and Coach’s Insights

Virtus Ragusa – Pallacanestro Viola recently ended with the victory of the home team in overtime.

The coach Recovered he comments thus to the microphones of Reggiobasketball the performance of his team:

“Obviously we start with compliments to Viola who played a great game, but we also managed to keep up despite playing in overtime without even a full-back, with only Piscetta on the pitch at times”.

Recupido continues on the race:

“I think it was an advert for basketball, because it was a game with a very high competitive tone in front of a wonderful audience, I think they had fun. Obviously we are happy because in the end we won the match, maybe the Viola have something to complain about, because when you play in overtime an episode can change the inertia. Today went well for us, sometimes it went badly for us.

Conclude coach Recupido:

“What we need to keep in mind, however, is that this championship is very balanced. It seemed to be a low level championship, but instead Ragusa, Viola, Piazza Armerina, Capo d’Orlando are worth some mid-ranking national B teams. We certainly have fun doing this championship. Where can Ragusa go? For the championship there are many competitive teams, let’s also consider Sala Consilina and Milazzo. There are many matches to play and the entire return round. It is difficult to make predictions because in this tournament you can win or lose in every field. It will be tough and it will be important not to give up anything.”

2023-11-14 09:20:11
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