View of Matchday 14 in the Jupiler Pro League: Spectacle and Disappointment

View of Matchday 14 in the Jupiler Pro League: Spectacle and Disappointment

A weekend with spectacle and disappointment. Enough material for Peter Vandenbempt to give his view on matchday 14 in the Jupiler Pro League. The top match in Ghent disappointed with the purple and white approach, Ronny Deila’s annoyance caught our analyst’s eye and at Standard the euphoria that had built up suddenly seems far away after the collapse.

Top of the big disappointment

Very high expectations and a big disappointment.

Anderlecht chose to defend firmly. According to Hein Vanhaezebrouck, it even parked a double bus. Anderlecht did that so well that KAA Gent hardly had any chances despite ball possession and dominance.

Riemer said that he chose that approach because of the difficult week that Anderlecht experienced. Particularly due to the fitness of Jan Vertonghen and Thorgan Hazard. I think that’s a poor explanation.

It shows little confidence on the part of the trainer to be able to play football outdoors in a top match.

Peter Vandenbempt

Anderlecht’s approach in this top match was a disappointment for me after the nice progress that the Purple & White had made in recent weeks. It shows little confidence on the part of the trainer to be able to play football outdoors in a top match.

It is clear that Brian Riemer wants results and a prize. That does not have to be the audience award. Anderlecht defended strongly with Vertonghen and Debast in the back and Rits’s role in the defense should not be underestimated.

They hardly played football, which was due to Ghent’s impressive pressing over the entire field. Only the front was not of sufficient quality. Then you can’t beat Anderlecht, it’s that simple.

Anger in Deila is not a good sign

We fully understand Ronny Deila’s frustration that Club Brugge could not win the derby yesterday. But the fact that he is reacting increasingly angrily to questions about the poor results in the competition is not a good sign.

That is not creating negativity, as he calls it, but establishing facts. A victory in eight games, fourteen points less than the well-deserved autumn champion Union. Then you have worked very poorly together as a trainer and players.

It was apparently also the first 0-0 in the Bruges derby in 88 years. Still, I thought it was a good, fierce match. I thought Club played better, faster and with more drive. It also resulted in more goal danger than on Thursday against Lugano, when they won.

Warleson’s performance had to do with Club’s poor finishing, which is always something.

Peter Vandenbempt

Club also matched the intensity in the matches that Cercle always puts in. It should not have been 4-4, as Miron Muslic claimed, but roughly 5-2.

The fact that Club Brugge did not score was due to the performance of goalkeeper Warleson. But he didn’t perform miracles either. That has to do with Club’s mediocre finishing, which is always something.

And again: it is strange – human, indeed – that Deila reacts this way. Club Brugge is not the Standard of last year, where the bar was much lower. In Bruges, Deila ended up with a team that must become champions.

So I would say: Ronny, deal with it.

More and more questions about coaching Hoefkens

After the 6-0 in Antwerp, there was already a poll on the site of a Walloon newspaper: should Standard fire Carl Hoefkens and look for a new trainer? Then I wonder who comes up with something like that.

It is very painful that one day after Hoefkens said that he had never known a group of players that was as mentally resilient as this one, those players then committed a collective failure.

With Zinho Vanheusden – Red Devil again – in an unfortunate, negative leading role. Almost everything he was involved in went wrong.

The historic pandering was a collective failure. The euphoria after the victories against Club Brugge and Anderlecht and the hope that Standard could compete with the top 6, nothing remains after 1 in 9 and 10 goals conceded.

Especially in the French-speaking media, Hoefkens is again a trainer who makes strange substitutions. His coaching raises questions. That will remain his fate in the coming weeks, due to the tough program that awaits Standard.

KRC Genk, Club Brugge, Anderlecht twice… Suddenly four points above the play-downs seem shockingly little.

2023-11-13 08:55:00
#Peter #Vandenbempt #great #disappointment #Ghent #Anderlechts #approach #shows #confidence #Jupiler #Pro #League


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