TV Miesbach General Meeting Review: Honoring Long-Time Members and Sporting Achievements

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A positive review of the year was given by (hvl) second TV chair Ines Lederle, chair Florian Fresser, treasurer Annika Walther and third chair Andreas Zandtner. They honored, among others (from left) honorary chairman Günther Schmid, Siegrid Gaisreiter, Linde Fellner, Anton Weiß and Albert Hirschmüller. © TV Miesbach

Special honor for Günther Schmid: The long-time chairman of TV Miesbach was appointed honorary chairman.

Miesbach – The highlight came at the very end. At this year’s general meeting of TV Miesbach in the club’s own gym, chairman Günther Schmid, who served for over 28 years until July 2022 (we reported), was appointed honorary chairman of the club. His successor Florian Fresser honored the now 78-year-old with a large certificate of honor, pennant and badge of honor and emphasized his tireless, decades-long conscientious work for the benefit of the largest and oldest sports club in Miesbach. To the applause of the almost 50 people present, Fresser presented Schmid, who still gives children’s gymnastics lessons with his wife Gertraud, a gift basket.

But it wasn’t just Schmid who was honored; Fresser also thanked many other loyal members. Günther Blume, Astrid Gieler-Messelhäuser, Sebastian Herrmann, Robert Knollmann and Andrea Kühnen have been with the club for 25 years. Anton Eichermüller, Florian Ostermeier, Linde Fellner, Anton Weiß and Albert Hirschmüller have been on TV for 40 years, Hertha Brettschneider for 50 years and Siegried Gaisreiter for an impressive 60 years. Those honored received a certificate and a badge of honor.

In his first annual review, TV chairman Fresser discussed the many sporting activities, whereby in addition to an increase in members (currently 1,047), the range of offerings was also expanded. This includes body fitness for adults, athletics for children, “adventure ball” and yoga courses. With this new start after the difficult Corona years, the TV also applied for the Stars of Sports, the club award from the German Olympic Sports Confederation and the Raiffeisenbank in Oberland. However, the sports support association Egling in the Waitzinger Keller received the bronze star of sports (we reported). The Miesbach basketball players had already received this honor in 2018.

The judo and table tennis departments achieved success. With Hannah Sergel, the Miesbach judoka have a black belt holder in their ranks for the first time. Holger Drogan also demonstrated his strong nerves by securing the title of Bavarian senior table tennis champion.

But even outside of sport, normality returned last year. The solstice celebration on the large meadow was very popular this year. In addition, the association’s construction work is also making progress, reported third chairman Andreas Zandtner. New hall lighting and floor markings have already been installed, and the attic insulation will be coming soon. However, the planned roof renovation was postponed due to insufficient funding.

New to TV Miesbach is second treasurer Stefanie Köber, whose election was unanimous. It is intended to help relieve the burden on First Treasurer Annika

2023-11-16 09:41:48
#Günther #Schmid #honorary #chairman #Miesbach


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