Toulon narrowly wins against Racing 92 in Top 14

Toulon, who led 31-7 at the hour mark, did well this Sunday evening. Because the least we can say is that Racing 92 was at the peak of its offensive minimums, averaging twenty-eight points since the start of this season. At Mayol, he planted four tries from the 37th minute, the first signed by his supersonic English winger, the international Henry Arundell, one of the heroes of the Rose during the World Cup.

The astonishing acceleration of the English rookie after a reversal of play behind touch and ruck left the Var defense speechless. Seven points with Antoine Gibert’s transformation was little to stem the Toulon waves, the first hitting the Ile-de-France goal in the 9th minute with Brian Alainu’uese. Two penalty goals (18th, 33rd) and a naughty try (20th) scored by Baptiste Serin on a quickly played throw-in then widened a significant gap (23-7) at the break.

The Racingmen started the second period outnumbered (yellow card against Ibrahim Diallo for a cynical foul in the 40th + 1) and immediately conceded (44th, 28-7) a fourth try on a spectacular dive from the Toulon left winger Setariki Tuicuvu. It was then that Racing 92 woke up, upset at being left behind and after ten minutes of offensive pressure found the fault at the end of the line with his rocket Henry Arundell (61st), then with his international pillar replacing Thomas Laclayat (64th). ).


The success percentage of international scrum half and Var striker Baptiste Serin, author of 3 out of 6 against the posts.

Caught up (31-19), Toulon saw the offensive bonus pass under its nose. Worse, the English sprinter Henry Arundell concluded his outburst to score a hat-trick (68th) and put the RCT in danger (31-26). Spectacular, open and therefore undecided, this closing match of the sixth day of the Championship hesitated to choose its winner and Toulon, which rose from ninth to seventh place in the ranking, can consider itself lucky. The Racingmen, for their part, are paid little for their offensive profligacy with a defensive bonus.


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