the ultimate method to burn calories at lightning speed? (program included)

While ultra-intensive sports classes are gradually being deprogrammed in favor of gentler approaches (Pilates, yoga), this is a new trend which should quickly gain followers.

The LIIT pour « Low Impact Interval Training » uses the principle of HIIT by alternating intensity phase and recovery period, with one major difference: here, everything is performed at slow or moderate intensity.

This slowing down of the pace is not however ineffective for weight loss, muscle strengthening and cardio.

Healthier, more accessible and more viable in the long term, focus on a philosophy poised to revolutionize the approach to sport.

What is LIIT?

Forget military training which looks like real torture sessions.

With LIIT (“Low Impact Interval Training”), the speed leaves room for conscious and proper execution of each exercise.

This type of training alternates thus low or moderate intensity effort phases and extended recovery time allowing the body to enter aerobic mode.

The result: a maximum number of calories burned without exhausting yourself or traumatizing the body for a delicately sculpted silhouette.

What are the benefits of Low Impact Interval Training?

The LIIT approach offers numerous benefits both on physical abilities and on general health:

Benefits on sports performance : increases strength, strengthens all muscle groups, tones the body, boosts cardio and endurance, etc.
Overall health benefits : helps to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, contributes to optimal fitness, regulates blood sugar levels, reduces blood pressure, etc.
Benefits on mental well-being : improves stress management, increases self-confidence, contributes to restful sleep, etc.

Who can practice LIIT?

Absolutely everyone! If LIIT is an approach particularly suited to beginner athletes, it also allows more experienced athletes to diversify and complete their practice.

You will therefore be able to find your account in the LIIT philosophy if:

You are new to sport. Executing the movements slowly is ideal for correctly understanding the exercises and gradually developing your skills.
You are coming out of an injury. Low intensity training is not traumatic for the body. Unlike HIIT, it helps protect the joints from repeated shocks.
You want to return to sport. Done well, the sessions should never take you beyond 70% of your maximum heart rate (max HR), which guarantees you a smooth recovery.
Are you looking for effective, but gentler sessions for “off” days?. It’s not always easy to motivate yourself for a one-hour run or a fast-paced session. In case of fatigue, LIIT is an excellent alternative to stay the course and enjoy the same benefits as a good sweat session, without getting exhausted.
You have difficulty tolerating high-intensity efforts. People suffering from diabetes or suffering from cardiovascular disease will find in LIIT a sporting activity perfectly compatible with their state of health, thanks to a gradual entry into exercise.
You want to complete your sporting practice. HIIT enthusiasts, runners, cyclists and other keen athletes will finally be able to take advantage of LIIT to strengthen their skills. With a complementary approach to strength, endurance and body toning, Low Impact Interval Training workouts are perfect for continuing to progress.

What is Low Impact Interval Training?

Low Impact Interval Training is mainly used in the areas of fitness/musculation and some running.

In the first case, it is based on basic exercises such as push-ups, lunges and other squats.

Accessories can also be integrated into the session: weights, elastic, Swiss ball, etc. In the second case, the LIIT is used to carry out split sessions.

The so-called “intensity” intervals are then performed at a moderate speed and the recovery phases are lengthened.

For example, a low intensity interval session could consist of alternating periods of walking of 2 to 5 minutes and periods of jogging of 1 to 2 minutes.

However, there are no real limits to the application of LIIT in sport.

Swimming, cycling, rollerblading, etc., most individual endurance sports can integrate this concept into a training plan.

However, the rule always remains the same: peaks of intensity should never take you above 70% of your max HR and allow you to go back down quickly. In LIIT, the period of shortness of breath never lasts long.

How long does a LIIT session last?

Due to its moderate intensity, a LIIT session generally lasts longer than a HIIT workout, in order to stimulate metabolic processes with the same effectiveness.

The recommended duration of low intensity interval training is around 50 minutes to 1 hour. If you don’t have that much time, it doesn’t matter!

Even if performed for a shorter duration, LIIT workouts will allow you to burn calories and maintain your health.

Why choose LIIT over HIIT?

Developed in opposition to HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), LIIT addresses the disadvantages of long-term high-intensity interval training:

Optimizes weight loss. Low-intensity training allows the body to enter an aerobic state, resulting in a higher percentage of fat burned than non-aerobic workouts. If you are thinking of gaining weight by abandoning HIIT in favor of LIIT, we encourage you to take a look at this study menée par la School of Kinesiology and Health Studies.
Prevents exhaustion while being as (or even more) effective. According to the first studies carried out on the subject, training a lot at high intensity would not be synonymous with better progress, on the contrary. Likewise, runners who do not complete more than three outings per week (1 hour to 2 hours 40 minutes of running) would present less risk of succumbing to a heart problem than strenuous runners. Enough to put HIIT training into perspective.
Shows itself to be more viable in the long term. LIIT workouts prevent joint problems and reduce the risk of injury. Presents itself as a effective alternative for those who want to take it easy without losing their acquired knowledge.

LIIT: time to practice!

After theory, it’s time for practice. If our article made you want to test the benefits of low-intensity interval training, here is a special beginner training circuit.

Perfect for familiarizing yourself with the sensations and enjoying the first benefits of moderate sporting activity.

Start by trying to perform each exercise correctly for 45 seconds before repeating the series 3 to 5 times depending on your level of sports practice. Allow yourself 1 to 2 minutes of recovery between each round.

We left !

X Abdominal squats Touch heel alternate crunchs knee abdominals elbow-kan cross ce skaters squat with dumbbell marchée updated by manon on: 13/11/2023

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