The Secret Plot for Marco Ruben’s Return to Football: Behind the Scenes at Central

In Arroyito they are working so that the historic scoundrel scorer returns in June, along with Ángel Di María. His return to football at Deportivo Maldonado enhances the illusion

The return to football Mark Ruben generated a huge stir in the world Central, about a possible return to little stream, and although it is not known if it is something that will happen, Central He has been working for some time to make this happen, to bring together the historic scorer with Angel Di Mariain mid-2024. Amid countless speculations, La Capital tells you the secret plot, behind the scenes, how things happened and how they are acting to make the fans’ dream come true.

-The day Gonzalo Belloso took office said: “I dream of a cross from Di María and a goal from Ruben.” What did you feel at that moment?

– Yeah! Ha. Let’s see, Gonzalo told me from the first moment that if he was president of Central he wanted to have me again, but I was always clear to him and that it was nothing personal with him, that no matter how many times he felt like it, he was not going to come back.

– Not even with a return from Di María?

– No, because the thing doesn’t happen there. I would love to play with Angelito, but my decision goes further because it was a decision with firm foundations. It goes beyond one player or one moment. Even now I even wanted to play with Miguel (Russo) because I consider him an emblem of Central and I was never able to share a team with him. I remember that when I went up to first class, Miguel had stopped being the coach, back in 2004. He is a person that I admire a lot and with whom I would have liked to share a team.

– When Belloso said that, everything was speculated in Rosario. It was said that you were going to play six months in Uruguay, that you already had a club, Deportivo Maldonado, to get ready.

– And and and. Not serious?


Ovación reflected Belloso’s statements, when he said that he dreamed of seeing Marco Ruben and Angel Di María together.

Three questions from the long interview that The capital and LT8 kept with Mark Ruben in Punta del Este in May of this year and that serve as context in this boom that generated the return to football of the now former footballer. The consultations were not just for the sake of it, but were based on versions (more than just rumors) that spoke of a possible return to football now. Central more precisely. Today there is nothing confirmed, but there is the possibility that this could happen in June and it would go hand in hand, of course, with the return of Angel Di Mariahis great friend.

That is why it is necessary to go a little further back in time to understand where this idea had its beginnings. The day that Beautiful took office (December 2022) he gave a press conference, quite informal by the way, in the presidential office, and among many things he said: “I am excited that Di María can return in June and that Marco Ruben can define a play that Angelito makes”. Warned, once the conference was over, of the phrase he had thrown out, Belloso was forceful: “What I said is a dream I have. I dream of many things in Central”.

From that moment on, speculation floated and as the hours and days passed, data began to appear about the idea that some had in mind. What was thought at that moment? That Say Maria could return once his contract with Juventus (he finally decided to go to Benfica) and that is why the proposal that had also been made to Ruben.


Fine tunning. Marco Ruben has been training for some time, ahead of his return, at Deportivo Maldonado.

Without anyone from the commission officially saying it, what was known at that time was that this plan contained the possibility that Marco signed a few months before in some club Uruguay, to find your best physical shape. And it was said that this club would be Maldonado (Gonzalo Belloso’s son played in that club for a year), precisely with whom he has just signed a contract. A point of agreement between what was thought and what is happening now.

That is why during the visit of The capital a Ruben He was consulted on that particular topic, giving him details of the things that had come to light here in Rosario and about which there had been a lot of talk. Marco’s responses (textual transcription) are what start this note.

Of course, at that time of the year (early May), in Central surely they already had the information that Say Maria was going to continue one more year in Europe and, if so, whoever was also aware was Mark Ruben.


Will it be repeated? An image is what all Central fans dream of, who were surprised by the news.

What is no longer a secret is the return of Ruben to football and the question is ripe: Why now, at 37 years old and after having emphatically denied his return to activity? The same thing happens with the answer: in the middle there is an intention that that idea from a year ago become a reality in mid-2024.

What is on the table is a giant puzzle in which, with just a little bit of ingenuity or common sense, the pieces fit together. In Arroyito they claim that Ruben put the 9 again Central and the necessary steps are being taken to make it happen.

A fundamental fact: Central played with River on Saturday, November 11 and on Sunday the 12th, Belloso and Carolina Cristinziano traveled to Punta del Este, where they met with Ruben, with the firm intention of reviving the idea of ​​returning, perhaps for next January. In principle, the answer they found was that Marco would be willing, but that he did not dare to do it now, that he first wanted to try another club: Deportivo Maldonado.

Are you going to return to Central? It is not yet known. Because in this bet it will be essential what things you feel Ruben when he plays again, but above all the response that his physique gives him.

A qualified source who knows the details of the situation confided to Ovation not only that Ruben He has been training for a long time, but recently he had some talks with Miguel Ángel Russo. A few months ago they met in Uruguay. They say it was “by chance”, but there is the benefit of the doubt. There are even those who confirmed that there are even players from the rogue squad who are aware of the situation. What is a fact is that Ruben He was in Rosario about a month ago, he went to training and there he spoke for more than an hour with Russo.

Ruben returns to football in Deportivo Maldonado, where he signed a contract until June 2024, but no one knows what he will do after that time. In Central They have a plan, of which Marco is an intervening party. A plan that coincides with all those speculations that were made almost a year ago. What they say is that nothing is confirmed and that we must leave open the possibility that this plan may not come to fruition, but that today it is planned, everything is set up to return in June. Say Maria and also his friend Mark Ruben.

2023-11-21 15:47:00
#secret #plot #Marco #Rubens #return #operation #Central


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