The Philosophy and Success of Judo Club Chaumont: Pedagogy, Respect, and Progress

“I don’t know what a bad child is. » Making these remarks before the general assembly of the Judo Club Chaumont, Monday November 20, in the “air-conditioned” premises of the dojo, at the Cavalier, the emblematic technical director of the Club, Jean-Paul Ramillon, summed up in a few words the philosophy of the House.

The notions of pedagogy, respect, progress – and a few others – are all benchmarks, on the mat, for the joyful and healthy team of trainers who work around Christophe Vannière. Under the caring leadership of President Stéphane Mondon, they continue to combine conviviality and efficiency in unison.

This is what Jessica Goulin, who represented the City, and Karine Colombo, elected from the Department, observed. The club spoke of the dedication of Jean-Noël Deprez, who is leaving the secretariat, warmly thanked by President Mondon.

The year 2023 was marked by the club’s 70th anniversary and the intelligent transition made official on this occasion. The judo club is the second in the department in terms of members (132 including 84 from Chaumont). It has 22 practicing black belts, supervised by four state-certified teachers.

The new team is resolutely committed to following in the footsteps of Jean-Paul Ramillon.

President Mondon, on the right, well surrounded by young people who are taking over.
2023-11-22 17:40:27
#Judo #Club #combines #values


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