The path to victory: Olympique Lyonnais secures another win in Women’s Champions League group stage

The minimum is assured for Sonia Bompastor’s Olympique Lyonnais. Opposed to the Austrians of Saint Pölten, the Fenottes won without trembling for their second meeting of the group stage of the Women’s Champions League (2-0). For this first match of the Lyonnaises season at Groupama Stadium, the goals were scored by Daniëlle van de Donk (4th) and the unfortunate Leonarda Balog: the defender of the Austrian team scored against her side after returning from the locker room ( 47th). With this success, the Rhodaniennes consolidate their first place in group B before hosting SK Brann in three weeks.

Van de Donk showed the way to the Lyonnaises

After their great success last Tuesday on the pitch of Slavia Prague (9-0), Wendie Renard’s teammates once again showed all their determination to recover their European crown. The Fenottes opened the score again very quickly, thanks to a nice header from the Dutch van de Donk on a calibrated serve from Selma Bacha (1-0, 4th).

While the Saint Pölten players, led by their technical leader Mária Mikolajová, did not give up after this quick goal, they struggled to approach the nets defended by Rhone goalkeeper Christiane Endler. Vanessa Gilles, Ada Hegerberg and Sara Däbritz (14th, 38th, 40th) tried their luck several times during the first act, but without concluding. Despite their clear technical domination, the Lyonnaises returned to the locker room with a single goal lead on the scoreboard.

The gesture of the evening for Eugénie Le Sommer

While they were starting to believe it, the Austrians gave in at the worst moment, as soon as they returned from the locker room. On a recovery from Hegerberg, the Croatian defender of Saint Pölten, Leonarda Balog propelled the ball into the back of her own net (2-0, 46th). Sarah Mattner courageously tried her luck on the only real Austrian counterattack of the second half (72nd) but the step was too high for Sankt Pölten this evening.

Olympique Lyonnais would have even deserved a third goal, notably when Eugénie Le Sommer saw her superb volley from the left released by goalkeeper Carina Früchtler at the end of the match (86th). OL quietly consolidated its place at the top of Group B and above all won its 19th consecutive victory in all competitions.

2023-11-22 20:12:00
#card #Prague #confirm #dominating #Saint #Pölten


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