The Nervous Debut of the U-17 National Team Makes This Figure Remember the 1979 U-20 World Cup


Nervous appearance U-17 Indonesian National Team in his debut match 2023 U-17 World Cup awakens the memory of Mundari Karya. He remembered the 1979 U-20 World Cup.

The U-17 national team debuted in the U-17 World Cup by facing Ecuador at the Gelora Bung Tomo Stadium (GBT), Friday (10/11/2023). At the start of the match, Iqbal Gwijangge Cs looked nervous.

In several moments, the Bima Sakti team made passing errors which resulted in dangerous attacks from Ecuador. Apart from that, the U-17 National Team also often loses the ball easily.

As time goes by, appearance U-17 Indonesian National Team improved and even managed to take a 1-0 lead through Arkhan Kaka. Ecuador was able to reply through Allen Obando’s header which changed the score to 1-1 and lasted until the end.

The nervous moment for the U-17 National Team players was said to be normal by former Indonesian National Team player, Mundari Karya. He also appeared in the age class World Cup in 1979, namely the FIFA World Youth Championship or what is now the U-20 World Cup.

In fact, at that time Indonesia immediately faced Argentina in the first match. The Tango team is strengthened by young Maradona who has shone from a young age.

“Yes, that’s it, maybe because they saw a lot of people watching, that’s how it was. It’s better for us (as players) to play the World Cup abroad,” said Mundari Karya when met in Surabaya, Saturday (11/11).

“Well, imagine that, that’s for senior players. Especially young players (U-17 National Team) who are like that,” he added.

Indonesia, which played as host, received high expectations from domestic supporters. The GBT Stadium was almost full for the match.

According to Mundari Karya, this condition made the players even more nervous during their debut match. He also felt this when he was still actively playing and strengthening the Indonesian national team appearing domestically.

Apart from that, Mundari Karya admitted that he was impressed with U-17 Indonesian National Team. According to him, the quality gap between the U-17 National Team and Ecuador doesn’t seem that big.

This was a little different from when he played in the 1979 U-20 World Cup. For example, Indonesia and Argentina had qualities like earth and sky.

“If I compare it with 1979, I played in the World Cup too, at that time our quality was far from the other World Cup participants. If I saw last night (U-17 National Team vs Ecuador), we were not much different,” said Mundari Work.

“Indeed, there are aspects when we talk about understanding the game, they are more above us. I think that is very visible. In the physical aspect it is also very visible. We are still a bit behind. I see this as possibly because our competition is not yet running. as we want,” said the man who is now part of the PSSI Technical Director Youth Development Team.

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2023-11-11 23:30:55
#Nervous #Debut #U17 #National #Team #Figure #Remember #U20 #World #Cup


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