The Detroit Pistons: A Complicated Start to the Season and Rumors of Locker Room Tension

By Adiel Kalonji | NBA Editor

The Pistons seem to be starting off on the same basis as last year, with a fairly complicated start to the season. In addition, a case involving Killian Hayes and one of his teammates aggravates the situation. A priori, the atmosphere is not good within the MoTown locker room.

The Pistons can hardly be satisfied with their 2 victories in 8 games but if there is one person who demonstrates progress in the squad, it is Killian Hayes. Indeed, the Frenchman performed quite remarkably, including 21 points scored in the last match against the Warriors. Enough to make the young fullback smile, but this joy is not necessarily shared by everyone.

Because if the Habs seem to be reborn, others are suffering from this situation in Michigan. Drafted in the Top 5 of the draft last year, Jaden Ivey notably saw his status as a starter move to that of a bench player. Surprising since some already described it as a Russell Westbrook 2.0 and that he had to replace Hayes after his disappointing debut. And obviously, things are rumbling there according to Brian Windhorst:

Jaden Ivey unhappy because of Killian Hayes?

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I don’t think Jaden Ivey is very excited to come off the bench.

According to the insiderESPN, the nugget would unsurprisingly be unhappy with his situation and the culprit would be none other than Hayes who would have taken his place in the major five. The performance of the former 7th draft pick may well bode well for him, given that he will become a free agent at the end of the season, his teammate would have become the victim.

These are strong comments that were made by Windhorst, but which should be taken with a grain of salt, since nothing has been confirmed by the Detroit technical staff, or even by the players. However, some fans of the Michigan team don’t seem entirely happy to see the former Cholet player starting in place of the American. They expressed their dissatisfaction on social networks.

Killian Hayes starting, what happened to the sport I love?

Despite his good performances, the tenure of Killian Hayes unfortunately does not make all Pistons fans happy, but also the players if we trust the rumors about Jaden Ivey. However, what does it matter for the Frenchman, since he is playing big this season and no one will give him any gifts in the NBA.

2023-11-08 12:10:00
#Tensions #Pistons #Killian #Hayes #dont #hes..


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